About SIRF

For nearly 50 years, the Seafood Industry Research Fund (SIRF), formerly the Fisheries Scholarship Fund, sponsored forward-thinking research that advances the seafood industry, focusing on investigations with immediate and practical application.

In 2012, the fund adopted a new name, launched a new website and initiated a vigorous public outreach campaign. 

SIRF has provided over $4 million for nearly 400 research grants and has underwritten the publication of approximately 400 seafood industry related research papers. All research results are available on the funds new website, www.sirfonline.org. 

SIRF actively solicits your participation in:
1. Proposing research topics
2. Serving on the board of directors or lending expertise
3. Contributing monetarily to sustain an ambitious research program 

To arrange a contribution, propose a research topic, or otherwise communicate with SIRF, please email admin@sirfonline.org. 

SIRF receives all of its funding from individuals and corporations interested in promoting the well-being of the seafood industry. SIRF is a 501(c)3 organization. In addition to cash, SIRF is able to accept gifts of securities and considerations for estate planning. Gifts may be made, and will be acknowledged as made, in honor or on behalf of others.*  

SIRF is located at 1900 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 160, Reston, VA 20191-1561.  

*Contributions from individuals or corporations to SIRF may be tax-deductible.