Sustainability Blog
Seafood Community Opposes H.R. 8507 Legislation
June 20, 2024 The Honorable Mary Sattler Peltola 153 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congresswoman Peltola: We write to express our deep concern regarding H....
Nutrition Blog
New York Times article about shrimp digs deep into outdated postures about seafoodGet with the Times
The saying “everything old is new again” speaks to trends that see faded Nirvana and Guns N’ Roses concert tees flying off the shelves and quickly affixed to a generation of teens who’ve like...
Nutrition Blog
Online report on mercury once again recycles hyperbole and spoon-fed narratives
The cycle of reporting on mercury in seafood can be an exhausting one, as misinformed reporters peddle hyperbole and spoon-fed narratives that appear to prompt simple handwringing and teeth gnashing....
Nutrition Blog
Fish lists that use outdated, trite maxims, are, in some cases, just simply inaccurate
A new article from Fox News claims to help consumers pick the “best and worst fish for your health” and it starts off on the right track before veering into outdated, trite maxims that are, in so...
Nutrition Blog
This celebrity’s dubious claim is based on misinformation
Did you hear Joe Rogan claims to have “poisoned” himself with arsenic by eating too many sardines? Right, so arsenic is a naturally occurring element and the most harmful form is inorgani...
Safety Blog
Make Sure You’ve Got the Facts on Fukushima
Seafood from the Pacific Ocean remains safe, healthy, and delicious. Recent reporting on the controlled release of treated water from the Fukushima power plant has vacillated between highly accurate ...
Advocacy Blog
“Safe Catch”… Like A Bad Penny
For years, gullible media have reported breathlessly on Safe Catch Tuna without doing much homework. Such homework might include a Google search that would turn up posts like: “Safe Catch” tu...
IUU Blog
IUU Technology over Treachery? Or Not Really… But Just Kind of a Cool Story with a Helicopter Chase?
Today’s Washington Post article, ‘A boat went dark. Finding it could help save the world’s fish’, follows a structure and narrative that illustrates a global Illegal, Unregulated and Unreport...