Got Mercury? : In Their Own Words

What They Tell You About:


FundingMoney donated to Got Mercury? will help protect the public from mercury poisoning! according the Got Mercury? support page.


What They're Not Telling You

Money donated to Got Mercury? goes to the Turtle Island Restoration Network whose mission is to mobilize people in local communities around the world to protect marine wildlife and the oceans and inland watersheds that sustain them.

Neither Got Mercury? nor TIRN lobby Congress on mercury issues nor do they have any scientists on staff which expertise in methylmercury. GotMercury? does not campaign against coal-fired power plants or do anything to promote public health other than frighten consumers about mercury in seafood in order to discourage commercial fishing practices that TIRN believes harm turtles.

The Tough Questions:
Why does Turtle Island Restoration Network promote a wholly manufactured mercury scare that contradicts the scientific consensus about the safety of eating seafood by top government organizations including Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/ World Health Organization (WHO) report, Institutes of Medicine (IOM), Harvard School of Public Health?