Environmental Defense Fund : In Their Own Words

What They Tell You About:


ScienceThe EDFs 2010-2014 Strategic Plan boasts, In 1967 we were the first modern environmental group to be founded by scientists, and we continue to follow the science, even when it leads in unfamiliar directions. Rigorous science guides us in identifying the most serious problems and evaluating the most effective remedies. As we look to the future, our science-based inquiry will be even more important in foreseeing emerging threats and new solutions.


What They're Not Telling You

Hidden behind EDFs carefully constructed public image is the staggering truth: Out of the 156 Staff of Experts listed on the website, only 13 are scientists or about 8 percent. Their science is chock full of distorted cherry-picked data and political and emotional rhetoric deceitfully crafted to bolster support for controversial, agenda-driven issues like conservation, climate change, toxic chemicals and coal pollution. Bias-free facts? Forget em; hysteria and fear drive the EDF.

The rest of the specialists attorneys, project managers and economists read like a whos who of people intimately linked to activist groups and government agencies that are committed to pushing through politically sensitive green agendas.

The Tough Questions:
Why would a self-proclaimed scientific organization regularly produce analysis and reports inconsistent with the scientific consensus of top government organizations including Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/ World Health Organization (WHO) report, Institutes of Medicine (IOM), Harvard School of Public Health, among others that the real risk to families is eating too little seafood.