Empty Oceans by 2048?

What They Tell You About:



Boris Worm is the author of the now debunked but once world famous 2006 prediction that the ocean would be empty of commercial seafood by 2048. Dalhousie University in Canada lists him as a PhD who teaches Marine Conservation Biology. And his own University website notes his "active interest in marine conservation."


What They're Not Telling You

Worm's erroneous prediction served as the centerpiece of environmental extremist campaigns for years with groups like Oceana touting its doom and gloom message and Greenpeace promoting the bad science as a reason to support its causes. A recent documentary, The End of The Line, even based the entire film's premise on the idea that mass extinctions, like the ones predicted by Worm, were imminent.Like minded groups with limited scientific backing of their own lauded Worm's work but his academic peers weren't so receptive to his flawed report."While Worm's commitment to social issues is strong, his science is weak," Alan Longhurst, a former director of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography told Canada's Chronicle Herald.Steven Murawski the Director of Scientific Programs for the National Marine Fisheries Service at NOAA said of Worm's 2006 work, "such a meaningless projection does not incorporate a large number of complex factors."

The Tough Questions:
What explains the failure to report on the potential that Worms apocalyptic rhetoric was promoting a social agenda and not necessarily a scientific one?