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  • Health Blog

    Too Much Consumer Reports, Too Much Misinformation

    Consumer Reports is back at it with another error-ridden, alarmist take on tuna and health. We had some fun last time pointing out the absurdity of much of the magazine's nutrition-based recommendatio...

  • Health Press Release

    MEDIA ALERT: Its Ground Hog Day at Consumer Reports

    April 23, 2015 Washington, D.C. The last time Consumer Reports (CR) cooked up a seafood scare story it was about canned tuna. That time the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) blasted the report as on...

  • Health Blog

    TIME magazine continues to fail its readers

    After our initial letter to TIME magazine, they were unwilling to make any changes, but suggested we send something forinclusionin an update to the piece. We have little faith they will use any signif...

  • Health Blog

    It’s time for TIME magazine to get it right about tuna

    March 27, 2015 Meredith Long
    Publisher Mandy Oaklander
    Author of tuna story/health editor Nancy Gibbs
    Managing Editor - TIME Edward Felsenthal
    Managing editor of Andrea D...

  • Health Blog

    NYT Well Blog Promotes Contrived Controversy

    The latest edition of the New York Times Well Blog highlights blogger Tara Parker-Pope's unwillingness to accept the current state of science about seafood, a trait seen all too often in myriad enviro...

  • Sustainability Blog

    EWG & MPP Offer Well-Crafted, Nonsensical Rantings for the Record

    This week the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Mercury Policy Project (MMP) continue a tradition of embarrassingly out-of-step public proclamations. The duos latest ramblings expose the groups as...

  • Health Press Release

    Statement on 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

    WASHINGTON, DC February 19, 2015 Todays report from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee strongly reaffirms seafoods position as one of the healthiest options in the American diet. The repo...

  • Health Blog

    Quartz Story Only Tells Half The Tale

    February 18, 2015Kevin Delaney
    Editor in Chief
    Business, Science
    QuartzVIA EMAILDear Mr. Delaney,I am writing to address editorial concerns with your online article, The mercury level i...

  • Health Press Release

    MEDIA ALERT: Misreporting on Mercury in Tuna Study Misinforms Consumers

    February 3, 2015 WASHINGTON, DC Irresponsible and sloppy reporting on a new study published in the Journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry may scare consumers into thinking that mercury levels...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Prevention brings in the New Year with a Solution in search of a Problem

    Real nutrition experts are clear when they urge Americans to eat more lean, nutrient-dense foods like canned tuna to jump-start New Years Resolutions. But Prevention magazine is doing just the opposit...