Search Results

  • Eating More Fish During Pregnancy Improves Infant Intellect

    New research
    to be published in the April issue of the American Journal of
    Epidemiology adds to the groundswell of new, independent science that
    shows moms who eat more than the U.S....

  • Overview

    The National Fisheries Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to education about seafood safety, sustainability, and nutrition. From vessels at sea to your favorite seafood restaurant, our d...

  • Pregnancy

    During pregnancy, you have at least three chances everyday to boost your baby's health. A diet full of nourishing foods, packed with vitamins and minerals, can go a long way to ensure a bright future ...

  • About Seafood is brought to you by the National Fisheries Institute and its members to provide you with seafood recipes and nutritional and health information about seafood....

  • Enviro-Lobbyists Push Prop65 Scare Story, Encourage Seafood-Deficient Diet

    The National Fisheries Institute advises local California news
    outlets and any other news outlets around the United States that
    erroneous claims about mercury in seafood by Got Mercury may...

  • Health Press Release

    Moms Low Fish Diet May Have Consequences for Baby

    A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    says the typical American diet, low in seafood, is deficient in omega-3
    fatty acids and may pose a risk to babies develo...


    Yesterdays flawed and alarmist New York Times article about tuna
    sushi has resulted in a series of irresponsible reports that fly in the
    face of widely-accepted nutrition guidance for Amer...