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Displaying results 1831-1840 of 1

  • Uncategorized Blog

    (Part II) Chicago Tribune Publishes Another Alarmist Mercury in Fish Story

    On the first day this blog went live I wrote that we "hope to change the dialog that often accompanies stories about seafood. It's no longer about whether we like or agree with a story. It's about whe...

  • Health Blog

    A healthful Labor Day

    While Lloyd spent Labor Day weekend in Vegas with the guys pushing the limits of sleep deprivation, I had a rejuvenating holiday full of slow meals, early nights, and quality time with loved ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Chicago Tribune Publishes Another Alarmist Mercury in Fish Story

    In 2005 environmental reporter Michael Hawthorne published a series of sensationalized stories about mercury in seafood that ran under the shocking headline "The Mercury Menace" and warned of the "Tox...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeace Campaign Heads South… Way South

    Greenpeace's flawed seafood sustainability campaign has stumbled and stuttered its way to New Zealand. Some Kiwi friends report the eco-lobby's effort there isn't going so well. For starters they circ...

  • Health Blog

    The best smell

    Whenever my mom makes an outstanding recipe, she always writes "do-over" next to it in her cookbook. The spicy red fish (I used Dover sole and calamari) stew I made last night is absolutely a do...

  • Health Blog

    Fish stew in my future

    Because today is cloudy and a few degrees cooler than it has been, Im thinking of making a comforting fish stew for dinner. Ive also come to find lately that soups and stews are the gift that keeps o...

  • Health Blog

    Vitamin D

    With all the fuss about omega-3 fats, its easy to forget that fish isnt a one-trick pony. Another nutrient for which seafood is just about the only naturally-rich source (aside from sunshine!) is vi...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Better Seafood Bureau Called reputable representatives ferreting out false marketing

    The headlines are everywhere; Fish Tale Has DNA Hook, DNA testing uncovers suspect sushi, Expensive fish mislabeled. Is it culinary fraud or an accident? Some serious science appears to have exposed ...

  • Consumer Protection Press Release

    Seafood Mislabeling Report Highlights BSB Challenge

    August 22, 2008 Washington, DC - Media reports from Toronto to New York are trumpeting the results of a Canadian study that enlisted the help of American teenagers to collect seafood samples for DNA t...

  • Health Blog

    How to travel with tuna

    I like to keep 3 ounce cups of tuna in my office for lunch and snacks. But how, you may wonder, does that single serving of tuna become a mouth-watering sandwich midday? My secret is to bring from...