Health Blog
I've had two nice long jogs this week in preparation for a 10k I'm running on Saturday, so when I woke up this morning, I was ravenous. Cereal with fruit wasn't going to cut it, but I still wanted so...
Consumer Protection Press Release
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Takes on Fish Fraud
April 2, 2009 Washington, DC In a letter to seafood importers the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) says, as of April first companies must be in full compliance with its regulatory requirements,...
Health Blog
I intended to split this post over two days, because there are so many pictures from the weekend, but I ran out of time yesterday. The abundance of fish dishes is due, in part, to one of our meals be...
Uncategorized Blog
The good thing is Environmental Defense never lets facts get in the way of a good blog posting... or in this case an erroneous, misleading one. Today's sustainablog is riddled with errors including t...
Health Blog
I'm finally feeling better today, and just my luck, it's Friday! I think last night's dinner would have brightened anyone's spirits - we threw it together using what we already had in the kitchen, an...
Health Blog
My parents-in-law were so impressed with Tamashiro's that they returned yesterday while they were out and about exploring Oahu on their own. This time they picked up red snapper and opah (also known ...
Uncategorized Blog
Fish, Pharmaceuticals, Hype and Hyperbole
Reports are percolating today about an EPA study that found fish caught near wastewater treatment plants had residues of pharmaceuticals in them, including medicines used to treat high cholesterol, al...
Uncategorized Blog
When Pseudo Journalism Pushes A Product
You may have come across this recent article on something called Examiner.com, it's a series of websites where people who "consider [themselves] an insider with insights and knowledge to share" write ...
Health Blog
Yesterday afternoon my parents-in-law arrived, and we wasted no time flaunting the fresh seafood Hawaii has to offer. Straight from the airport, Lloyd made a beeline for Tamashiro's to show it off an...
Health Blog
I'm not feeling well this week, but had a very fun weekend (the two may be related). Sunday night was a barbeque at our friend's new house in Lanikai. The get together was great - not only because of...
Consumer Protection Press Release
Feds say FDA should do more to Fight Seafood Fraud
March 20, 2009 Washington, DC A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today finds the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) work to combat fraud in the seafood industry lacking. The r...
Health Blog
I can't help but to be in a happy mood on Friday afternoons, arguably my favorite few hours of the entire week. I'm looking forward to a girls' night out tonight - we're meeting for pupu and drinks be...
Health Blog
Next to Mexican (I have to stay true to my Texas roots), my favorite type of restaurant has long been Indian. Between the bold flavors, the abundance of healthful options, the spiciness, and the warm...
Uncategorized Blog
Greenpeace Prepares To Sing The Same Ole Song
It is often claimed that Albert Einstein said"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." It's also claimed he said"Reality is merely an il...
Sustainability Press Release
March 18, 2009 Dear Retailers, Some of you have undoubtedly already received letters from Greenpeace announcing its intention to, once again, publish a seafood sustainability retailer ranking list. Yo...