Fish and chicken curry

Next to Mexican (I have to stay true to my Texas roots), my favorite type of restaurant
has long been Indian. Between the bold flavors,
the abundance of healthful options, the spiciness, and the warm naan, Indian
food is right up my alley. But two
autumns ago, the unthinkable happened. Lloyd
and I travelled to India
for a friend’s wedding – which was, far and away, the most interesting
experience of my life – and, totally out of left field, I got sick of Indian
food. I’m almost ashamed to publicly
admit it, because I adore immersing myself in local cuisine whenever I
travel. But after just a few days of
earthy Indian food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I was desperate for a
Pizza Hut.

Currently, my fervor for curries and chutneys is just not
what it used to be. But I am slowly
rebounding, and am expecting a full recovery in the near future. It was a promising sign last night when I
craved tumeric and cumin. We had half a filet
of mahi mahi, half a filet of ahi tuna, and a chicken breast that I wanted to
use up, so I tossed all three in to this Ginger Curry Fish Stir Fry. It was delicious.

curry fish and chicken