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Health Blog
8 Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust Yahoo! Health?
January 16, 2015 Ms. Michele Promaulayko Editor in Chief Yahoo! HealthYahoo! Health VIA EMAIL Dear Ms. Promaulayko, This morning on Yahoo! Health I was surprised to read the headline, 8 Reasons You Sh...
Health Press Release
International Conference on Nutrition focuses on First 1,000 Days of Life
November 19, Washington, DC Strategies to improve global nutrition during pregnancy and childhood is a priority at the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), an inter-governmental nutri...
Health Blog
NBC News makes healthy eating during pregnancy a lot harder
Stacey Naggiar,
Associate Producer, Health
Health & Medicine VIA EMAIL Dear Ms. Naggiar, I am writing to address fundamental editorial problems with your online article, Pregnant and Poor... -
Health Blog
Rodale News editors expected to live to 120 and be capable of human flight?
Emily Main and Leah Zerbe have done it again. You know them, the activists writing for Rodale News who have a long history of botching facts, skewing reports, and throwing the rules of journalism out ...
Health Blog
Health Advice and Journalistic Responsibility
After a few days of blog and twitter banter that saw a hyper-defensive Michael Hawthorne refusing to acknowledge and or correct his now comically slanted reporting, on the FDA's new advice to pregnan...
Health Blog
New Seafood Advice for Moms-To-Be and Breastfeeding Moms in the Works
Sometimes it takes nutrition policy a little while to catch up to the science. Today we are happy to report that decade-old seafood advice for pregnant and breastfeeding moms from the U.S. Food ...
Health Blog
Is it time upwave… um… upgrade its editorial standards?
April 24, 2014 Meredith Artley Managing Editor CNN Digital VIA Email Dear Ms. Artley, I am writing to express concern about the article 5 'healthy' foods that can backfire. notes that the cont...
Health Blog
Michael Bender and Edward Groths Willful Ignorance
When young children hear things they dont like, theyve been known to cover their ears, shut their eyes, and yell at the top of their lungs LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! in the hope that if they cant hear or see the...
Health Blog
What The New York Times Knew And When They Knew It
In her article, Sorting Out the Risks of Fish, Roni Rabin does some sorting out alright sorting out of the vast majority of seafood science including several studies provided to her in advance of her...
Health Blog
February 26, 2014 Alex Crees
Health Editor
Fox News Online
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10036 Dear Ms. Crees, I am writing with some editorial concerns a...