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Sustainability Blog
In case you came across yesterdays Farm Raised vs. Wild-Caught Fish headline on, let us save you some valuable time by summing it up: all fish, farm-raised or wild-caught, are a health...
New Seafood Advice for Moms-To-Be
In June 2014 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated seafood advice for pregnant and breastfeeding women. After reviewing 110 studies, the new draft advice clears the water on outdated gui...
Health Blog
The Folly of Giving Time to the Activists
Should We Stop Eating Fish is both the title and the central question that Emily Jacobs asks in a recent article at The Daily Meal. As anyone who has bothered to spend the five seconds it takes to Goo...
Health Blog
A Simple Answer For Carl Safina
Carl Safina dedicates 1,167 words to speculating on the potential harm from mercury in seafood, but he could have saved himself a lot of time by skipping to the central question, which he asks mercury...
Health Blog
brown rice salmon avocado sushi: easy to get two
Yesterday at lunch I ordered salmon avocado rolls wrapped in brown rice. It seemed like such an easy way to sneak in extra protein and omega-3 fats. And, the salmon helped me meet my weekly seafood ne...
Health Blog
Evidence Continues To Grow On Benefits of Seafood Consumption
The evidence for the health benefits of eating seafood has been steadily growing over the years. Studies have shown that higher seafood consumption improves cardiac health, boosts fetal and infant cog...
Health Blog
Huffington Post Regurgitates Activist Report Unchecked
Over at the Huffington Post Green Blog, Carl Safina has a post up parroting the worst of the talking points from a recent Environmental Working Group [EWG] report designed to scare consumers away from...
Health Blog
Consumer Reports Does (Yet Another) Disservice to Consumers
For many, Consumer Reports is synonymous with cars and electronics but when it comes to reporting on nutrition and fish its usually misreporting and manipulation. Heres their latest blunder.February 4...
Sustainability Blog
Are Yahoo! Serious With This Reporting?
November 19, 2013 Ryan Wallace Senior Editor Yahoo! Health Dear Mr. Wallace, I am writing to express concern over an article featured on your website titled 5 Reasons To Never Eat Shrimp Agai...
Safety Blog
Journalist or Activist? Dirty Secrets of the Fourth Estate
If you read MSN this morning while drinking your coffee you might have seen this little piece of muck racking, 4 dirty secrets of the seafood industry. Its got a healthy dose of hyperbole in the title...