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  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Newsweek Botches Advice to Parents

    A recent article from Newsweek by Melania Juntti [11 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Kids] recklessly includes canned tuna among foods parents should not feed their children. This is not only wron...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Environmental Working Group

    The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a Washington-based environmental lobbying organization, claims its mission is “to see that Americans get straight facts, unfiltered and unspun.” But EWG does...

  • Health Blog

    New York Times Falls Victim To Its Own Warning

    Over at the New York Times, Jim Windolf astutely notes that the American media has a corrosive habit of fomenting hysteria over nonexistent health threats, and that we’d probably be better off tunin...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    More Dangerous Misinformation from Consumer Reports

    More than a year after the Food and Drug Administration definitively called out Consumer Reports for its feckless and dangerous misinformation on tuna, the group continues to peddle the same pseudo-sc...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Time For An Update; Reports Yesterday’s Science

    September 1, 2015 Madelyn Fernstrom Health & Nutrition Editor Dear Ms. Fernstrom,’s recent article Eating fish 2-3 times a week is recommended: What about ever...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Consumer Reports’ Contradications

    If you’re a Consumer Reports reader, you’re hearing this week that shrimp is a superfood –  high in protein, low in fat and calories, and a great source of vitamins and valuable minerals. Ahh, ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Greenpeace Pushes Annual Fundraising Tool

    Greenpeace is touting the latest in its long line of opaque, subjective, and hopelessly flawed “reports” on retail seafood. This year’s model may have lost the juvenile aesthetic and top hat don...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    More of the Same from Safe Catch

    You may have recently seen reporting about something called Safe Catch, it’s promoting a seafood product that is actually a solution… in search of a problem. News about “a new tuna manufacturer ...

  • Topics

    The National Fisheries Institute and our members work on a variety of topics to ensure the seafood community continues to provide safe, healthy, and sustainable seafood products. Seafood is one...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    EWG; Peddling Fundamental Inaccuracies with the Best Of ‘em

    This week the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and its puppet the Mercury Policy Project (MPP) are out with a misguided release that, not surprisingly, flies in the face of the latest science on seaf...