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  • Health Press Release

    Substantial Seafood Consumption Increase Reflected in Top 10 List

    October 27, 2016 – Washington, DC – In 2015 Americans ate 15.5 pounds of seafood per capita, up nearly a full pound (0.9 lb.) from 2014. The increase is reflected in multiple species across the N...

  • Health Blog

    The Dr. Oz Misinformation Machine Turns to Farmed Salmon

    Dr. Oz has a shocking history of getting important nutrition and medical advice wrong. In fact, he even has the distinction of having been called on the carpet by Congress over his absurd prognosticat...

  • Health Blog

    Study: Omega-3s lower risk of fatal heart attack

    A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine today finds that omega-3 fatty acids are associated with a lower risk of dying from heart attacks. Researchers from around the world formed FORC...

  • Regulatory Information

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  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Former USDA & FDA Food Safety Czar Blasts USDA Catfish Program

    Dr. David Acheson, is the former Chief Medical Officer at the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and former Chief Medical Officer at the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. That mea...

  • Safety Blog

    More of the Same from The Dr. Oz Show

    To no one’s surprise, Dr. Oz chooses hyperbole and fear-mongering over sound science in a new segment about seafood on his daytime talk show. Dr. Oz and a guy we can loosely describe as a field repo...

  • Sustainability Blog

    How to Give Positive Seafood Sustainability Advice

    University of Washington fisheries expert Dr. Ray Hilborn and NFI's Registered Dietitian, Jennifer McGuire, spoke with dietitians at the 2016 Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN) Symp...

  • Health Blog

    Seriously… what is wrong with Time Magazine?

    Yesterday at 9:04 am we reached out to Time Magazine reporter Alice Park, noting that there were no voices in her Environmental Working Group (EWG) mercury story presenting anything other than an EWG ...

  • Health Press Release

    MEDIA ALERT: Mercury “Study” Out of Step with Real Science

    EWG shops agenda-driven promotion piece designed to snow media March 15 – Washington, D.C. – The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) latest “study” about mercury in seafood is not publis...

  • Health Blog

    Updated Dietary Guidelines Suggest Shifting to Seafood

    In January the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services jointly issued the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Dietary Guidelines is updated every 5 years to reflect t...