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  • Nutrition Blog

    Benefits of Eating Fish

    Nutritional Benefits of Eating Fish Fish provides a variety of health benefits through providing vital nutrients like Omega-3s, which the body does not create on its own, and serving as an ideal sour...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Can pregnant women eat seafood? Washington Post Knows

    Relying on science-based reporting The Washington Post took a major step that more and more news outlets relying on science-based reporting are taking. They actually looked at the research surroundin...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Seafood Benefits for Older Adults

    What Can Seafood Do For You? Staying healthy as you age is important. There are nutrients you need in order to keep yourself in the best possible health. Eating protective foods that contain benefici...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Seafood Benefits for Children

    Seafood Sets Kids Up for a Lifetime of Health Seafood is a great source of protein, which helps the body repair and make new cells. This is especially important during childhood and adolescence, when...

  • Health Blog

    Eating Fish Vital: Washington Post

    The Washington Post takes a break from reporting on the political storm du jour to highlight the importance of eating fish in today’s article titled “Fatty acids lower your risk of heart disease. ...

  • Health Blog

    Reporting On Tuna Study Fails Readers

    Not a Health Study When the LA Times and San Diego Union Tribune recently reported on a tuna study about contaminants in fish they both made a major mistake in their reporting… or, really, in what ...

  • Advocacy Blog

    Open Letter from Registered Dietitians

    A recent MSN Lifestyle article provided by Eat This, Not That lists the “20 Unhealthiest Proteins on the Planet,” and, in the process, makes several of the “Most Untrue Nutrition Claims on the P...

  • Health Blog

    Doctors’ Confusing Stance Ignores The Benefits of Fish… Sort Of

    Ignoring The Benefits of Fish is Malpractice Processed meat, sugary beverages, candy, and… seafood? One of these things is not like the others. Doctors Tom Rifai and Mark Liponis were interviewe...

  • Health Blog

    Reporting on Reporters: Time Magazine

    Time Magazine is one of the most honored and celebrated news publications on newsstands today. And that may be part of its problem, no one gets their news from newsstands anymore. Despite its history ...