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  • Health Press Release

    NFI Launches New YouTube Channel

    October 22, 2019 – McLean, VA – The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is announcing a new YouTube channel, AboutSeafood, that educates health care professionals and curious consumers about the ro...

  • Health Blog

    Students at UC Santa Cruz Need to Eat More Tuna, Not Less: Administrators Get It Wrong

    Imagine sitting in your college dining hall. Your roommate sits down across from you with a bowl of marshmallow-festooned cereal, a slice of pizza, a cheeseburger, and some ice cream. As he announces ...

  • Health Blog

    Note to Reporters: Stop Needlessly Scaring Consumers

    Some opportunistic bloggers and click-bait reporters are using a new study on climate change and mercury to scare consumers away from eating seafood. It’s the same sad song and dance we’ve seen ti...

  • Health Blog

    Proper Perspective on the Latest Mercury Study

    A new study focused on climate change, fishing and mercury in cod and bluefin tuna has sparked a bit of hyperbolic reporting that lacks a complete understanding of the findings and often ignores neede...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Patagonia Marketing Masquerades as Eco-campaign

    Artifishal: Patagonia Marketing Masquerades as Eco-campaign The importance of salmon to lives and livelihoods should not be underestimated. The nutritional components of salmon are a dietary wonder ...

  • Pregnancy Blog

    Glamour Magazine Fails Pregnant Women with its Seafood Advice

    Nutrition Experts Say Pregnant Moms Should Eat More Seafood. Glamour Magazine Says They Shouldn’t. Who Do You Think Wins This Debate? Would you trust Glamour, a beauty magazine, over peer-reviewed s...

  • Advocacy Blog

    Vegan Fish… Is not Fish

    Vegan Fish… Is Not Fish Vegan, plant-based and vegetarian versions of "meat" products have been popular for some time. The veggie burger, “tofurky,” and meatless “chick’n” strips can be ...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Busting Mercury Myths

    Would you take nutrition advice from a reality TV star? What about pregnancy tips from a boy band singer? Would you listen to a doctor who used your astrological sign to diagnose you? And yet, voices ...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Latest Fraudulent “Report” from Greenpeace Includes Dangerously Misleading Advice for Consumers

    In what has become a shameless annual tradition, Greenpeace has released yet another report designed to mislead the public and entice gullible press outlets to hand them free fundraising publicity. ...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Reader’s Digest’s Shameless Click-Bait Harms Consumers

    It’s popular to use catchy, click-bait titles on the internet. Writers know it lures readers in and drives traffic. But it is irresponsible to use scary headlines that provide false information and ...