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  • Seafood & Immunity

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  • Safety Press Release

    National Fisheries Institute Statement on Coronavirus on Squid Packaging in China

    WASHINGTON, DC September 21, 2020 — Reports from China say coronavirus was found on the packaging of squid imported to that country from Russia. With this in mind, it is important to understand that...

  • Health Blog

    Reporting on Microplastics in Seafood Needs Perspective

    A recent Australian study about microplastics has been making headlines the past few weeks. The researchers tested a small handful of seafood products – 5 wild blue crabs, 10 oysters, 10 farmed ...

  • Health Press Release

    National Fisheries Institute Statement on the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

    WASHINGTON, DC July 15, 2020 — The National Fisheries Institute commends the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee for its work in submitting its Scientific Report to the Secretaries of Agriculture ...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Good Housekeeping / Bad Housekeeping

    Everyone is entitled to their favorite brand or variety of canned tuna, and we don’t begrudge the writers and editors at Good Housekeeping for sharing a list of theirs with their readers. There are ...

  • Nutrition Blog

    HuffPo’s Latest No-No

    In the Huffington Post, a freelance journalist and “brand strategist” offers advice on buying and eating canned tuna which, she says, is “especially relevant…in the age of the coronavirus pand...

  • Health Blog

    Janelle Monáe Mercury Poisoning: Not From Seafood

    Janelle Monáe Mercury Poison: Janelle Monáe Joins the Dubious List of Amateur Celebrity Doctors Dispensing Advice That’s Bad for Your Health Janelle Monáe is a talented actress and musician. But...

  • Health Blog

    Consumer Reports Fuels Misinformation about Mercury in Seafood

    We thought Groundhog Day came and went, but this week Consumer Reports – the group most known for reviewing electronics and appliances – is fueling misinformation about the healthfulness and safet...

  • Health Blog

    Consumer Reports Inches Closer To Accuracy

    Consumer Reports is out with its new Guide to Healthy Seafood Choices and the magazine, better known for ranking speakers and lawn mowers, actually stumbles onto some good advice. Please keep in mi...

  • Nutrition Blog

    Debunking Prevention’s Fake Food Facts

    Off to a questionable start When a list of “foods you should never eat” begins with whole wheat bread, you know you are in for a hyperbolic ride. Prevention’s article, 50 Foods You Should Never...