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Health Resource
Fish Consumption, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Subsequent 5-y Cognitive Decline in Elderly Men
Fish Consumption, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Subsequent 5-y Cognitive Decline in Elderly Men
Authors: Boukje Maria van Gelder, et al.
Centre for Prevention and Health Services Research, Net... -
Advocacy Blog
Keeping Seafood’s Seat at the White House’s Table
This article ran in Urner Barry's Reporter Magazine. Seafood is arguably the healthiest animal protein on the planet. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) encourage people to eat two-to-thr...
Consumer Protection Blog
Reuters Reporting Misses the Mark on Suspicious Mercury & Mislabeling Story
August 28, 2014 Michele Gershberg
Editor, Health & Pharma News
Reuters VIA EMAIL Dear Ms. Gershberg, I am writing to express great concerns about your online article, Fishery mislabeling c... -
Uncategorized Blog
Sensational Tilapia Story Begins to Unravel
So, despite the warnings to the media it's happened again. A reporter eager for a sensational headline has botched a story about seafood science and in the process created an unnecessary scare. This ...
Nutrition Blog
Recently the mega-bot syndicator MSN featured an article titled Health concerns surrounding this fish: What consumers need to know. It was a poorly sourced hit job on Tilapia apparently written by Zu...
Nutrition Blog
Bloom or Bust on Mercury Reporting
The cycle of reporting on mercury in seafood can be an exhausting one, as misinformed reporters peddle hyperbole and spoon-fed narratives that appear to prompt simple handwringing and teeth gnashing....
Nutrition Blog
Seafood: 1, Poor Reporting: 0, You’re Missing the Point
If there's one message to get across to news outlets, like Newsweek and The New York Times, it’s this: you’re missing the point. Your recent articles about studies that show mercury leve...
National Fisheries Institute Joins the National WIC Association
NFI Partners with Advocates for the Women, Infants, and Children Program February 12, 2024 Reston, VA – The National Fisheries Institute announces it has joined the National WIC Association (NWA...
Nutrition Blog
One Fish… Two Fish… The Faulty Fascination with Fish Lists
A new article from Fox News claims to help consumers pick the “best and worst fish for your health” and it starts off on the right track before veering into outdated, trite maxims that are, in so...
A complement to National Seafood Month, National Pescatarian Month in October celebrates and promotes healthy diets centered around fish and shellfish plus vegetables. Reston, Va. — Healthy, ver...