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Displaying results 1901-1910 of 1

  • Health Press Release

    Debate over Omega-6s Confuses Consumers

    July 8, 2008 Washington A pair of articles focusing on the fats in fish from the July issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association is puzzling consumers and health professionals alike. ...

  • Health Press Release

    Fish Belong on Frontline of Heart Disease Fight

    July 08, 2008 Washington The July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports on evidence that fish and its omega-3 fatty acids should be considered more than just a healthy part of a...

  • Health Blog

    Salmon Pesto Pizza

    Im happy to say that the last two days in a row, I did not go out to eat! I actually made the most delicious pizza, which I enjoyed twice for dinner, and today for lunch. To say I made the pizza m...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Oprahs Doc Gets an Education

    As promised I contacted uber-famous Oprah Doc Mehmet Oz about his suggestion that consumers avoid some canned food because of BPA levels (that plastic stuff youve read about in baby bottles ect.) Wel...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Oprahs Mag Gets Defensive

    Oh Oprah, please let your Magazine staff know that, like Dr. Oz, its okay to say something like your concerns are valid, perhaps our article had a few flaws well be more science-based in the future, t...

  • Health Blog

    Shrimp ceviche

    I meant to save up my craving for Mexican food until this weekend, but just couldnt hold out after all that mariscos talk yesterday. So after work when I met my friend and fellow RD, Allison, for ...

  • Health Blog


    Today starts the quick vanishing of a short four-day work week. Lloyd and I take off for a wedding in Puerto Morelos, Mexico bright and early Friday morning, where I anticipate eating some amazing mar...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Real Science of Sustainability Says Theres Good News

    While organizations like Greenpeace spend their time attacking the seafood community for its supposed lack of sustainable practices, independent Government scientists have gone about their work assess...

  • Health Blog

    Out to eat tips

    Im on an out to eat kick, and it doesnt seem itll be letting up anytime soon. Wednesday I had a business lunch out, last night I met an old friend from college for dinner out, and this weekend I h...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeace’s Ageing Playbook

    Its a little worn around the edges and the pages are a bit yellow but thats no reason to get rid of itright? Especially not when we can be eco-friendly and recycle it over and over and over again. Its...