• Sustainability Blog

    Kiwis Take On The Times (II)

    The New Zealanders aren't backing down from their complaints about the New York Times reporting on Hoki. In fact they're expanding their effort to get multiple editors at the Times to review the repor...

  • Health Press Release

    British Agency Says Keep Eating Fish at Least Twice a Week

    September 17, 2009 Washington, DC The United Kingdoms Food Standards Agency (FSA) has released its latest advice about eating fish, which takes sustainability in to account while keeping the core mes...

  • Health Blog

    Potato gnocchi with shrimp and peas

    I am world-renowned for my ability to get dangerously lost when driving, but my condition has been in check for the past few years thanks to GPS. Unfortunately, yesterday I had a relapse on the way t...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Kiwis Take On The Times

    I'm sure none of you missed the New York Time's attempt at covering seafood last week, a hack job that took aim at New Zealand Hoki. But what you might have missed is the next chapter-you see, it used...

  • Health Blog

    Artichoke and anchovy pizza

    Anchovies may very well be the single most divisive food item. Last night was my parents last evening in Hawaii, which we wanted to spend with a low-key dinner in, so we made a variety of pizzas from...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Perspective On Pollock

    While biologists work on their assessment of the Alaska pollock stocks it is important to keep in mind a few facts. Since 1977 the U.S. has overseen Alaska pollock and made it a model of fisheries man...

  • Press Release

    Treat Greenpeaces Alaska Pollock Claims With Science and Skepticism

    September 16, 2009 Washington Last year, as part of a fundraising campaign, Greenpeace announced Alaska Pollock stocks had collapsed. This was simply not true and government scientists publicly refu...

  • Health Blog

    Supper plan

    Today I woke up with a tiny knot in my stomach, knowing that it's my parents' last full day in Hawaii. After a fabulous week packed with the very best activities this state has to offer, they're takin...

  • Health Blog

    Hawaii Food Tour

    Yesterday I took the afternoon off to join my parents on the Hole-In-The-Wall Hawaii Food Tour - a exploration of what half a dozen of the best ethnic restaurants in downtown Honolulu have to offer. ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    When Did The Economist Become a Mouthpiece For Greenpeace?

    Two weeks ago The Economist was taking unsubstantiated pot shots at seafood and ended up printing a letter from NFI after we exposed its shoddy reporting. This week it's back on the watery warpath tak...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Blog Posting From The Washington Post (Part II)

    In case you missed it, this morning the foodies over at the Washington Post posted this blog about "Spanish mackerel" that missed the mark and we let the editors know exactly where it went wrong. Inte...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Blog Posting From The Washington Post

    This morning the foodies over at the Washington Post posted this blog about "Spanish mackerel" that missed the mark. So we gave the editors a heads up. Have a look at our letter below: September 9, 2...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Bankrupt Reporting From The Economist (Part II)

    A little more than a week ago we told you, in excruciating detail, how badly The Economist had botched its reporting on the USGS report on mercury in non-commercial recreational fish. Well, this week ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    PETA Hops On The Mercury Bandwagon

    It's time to add another activist group to the list of organizations that are trying to sensationalize the recent USGS report on sport-caught fish in order to scare the public out of buying seafood: P...

  • Health Blog

    Penne with shrimp and herbed cream sauce

    To celebrate our lack of a Monday morning this week, we had a fun dinner party Sunday night. Our impromptu menu included the following: -Grilled Clams in the Shell with Serrano Ham -Penne with S...