• Health Blog

    Calamari and moonfish

    Last weekend started off with Friday evening cocktails and calamari steak from one of our favorite relaxing spots, Buzz's on Kailua Beach. Things got a little less chic on Saturday and Sunday b...

  • Health Blog

    Sticking up for science

    A recent segment on Good Morning America featured nutrition information so off-base (no fruit after dinner!?) that the president of the American Dietetic Association herself spoke out. The root of th...

  • Blog

    Supper Plan Sunday

    The rain hasn't started yet, but the movie-watching has. Over the weekend we saw two (very different) movies, Julie & Julia and The Hurt Locker. I liked both a lot, and maybe they do have something in...

  • Health Blog

    Salmon burger

    I've been obsessed with Zonya's salmon burgers for a while now, and have made them so many times that looking up the actual recipe became unnecessary months ago. The next logical step for me after me...

  • Health Blog

    Mahi mahi fish tacos

    I could do without the pun-y title, but Rachel Ray's "My-oh-Mahi! That's a Good Fish Taco" recipe probably does deserve the use of an explanation point. It's really great. Sometimes fish tacos are a ...

  • Health Blog

    Tempting tuna wrap

    So the concert at the aquarium last Thursday evening had no fish, other than the live ones of course. Since my week was turning out to be pretty skimpy on seafood, I made sure to make my favorite tem...

  • Health Blog

    Fish tales

    I wasn't feeling the best yesterday, at least not feeling well enough to cook. OK, maybe I just wanted to watch Top Chef Masters in peace. Whatever the excuse, the fish tacos I had planned didn't com...

  • Health Blog

    Supper Plan Sunday

    Friday was a vacation day in Vail - Lloyd, his family, and I went hiking, saw an outdoor concert, and enjoyed a fantastic last supper at Kelly Liken. My crispy potato-crusted trout... ...was t...

  • Health Blog

    Pecan crunch salmon

    The halibut from Washington two nights agowas fantastic, but last night's Copper River salmon was once-in-a-lifetime incredible. Surprisingly mild, rich, smooth...and the slightest bit sweet and crisp...

  • Health Blog

    Tuna taster and halibut

    During a trip to Washington state in June, my husband's parents stocked up on seasonal fish - halibut and salmon. We were really looking forward to seeing them this week, and when I say "them" I mean...