• Health Blog

    sardines and brie for breakfast

    I mentioned one of my takeaways from Norway is to eat seafood for breakfast more often.Eating seafood twice a week seems pretty manageable when you remember youve got a full 21 weekly meals to choose ...

  • Health Blog

    seven course seafood dinner

    After exactly 36-hours of travel, Im back in Hawaii now and still waking up at 3:30am due to jetlag. Totally worth it, though, because the Norway trip was fascinating and fantastic.I have one more sea...

  • Health Blog

    farm-raised rainbow sea trout, four ways

    Wednesday I visited the Leroy salmon farms in Bergen and learned so incredibly much. About 80 percent of the salmon Americans eat is farm-raised (and nearly 100 percent of the salmon Norwegians eat is...

  • Health Blog

    seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

    As I mentioned, I ate seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday. And in the process, came away with a couple more takeaway tips from Norway.Takeaway number two: Eat seafood for breakfast. I'm...

  • Health Blog

    a sardine bite snack, whale carpaccio, cod cheek, and halibut

    I am experiencing a major seafood blogging backup, due to an increased consumption of fish from 2-4 times/week to 2-4 times/day now that Im in Norway. Ill go ahead and post yestedays snack and dinner ...

  • Health Blog

    lemon pepper tuna with bagel chips

    Today I am at the National Fisheries Institute office in Washington, DC for a day, before I head to New York for a day, before I head to Norway for a week!Im going with a group of dietitians to learn ...

  • Health Blog

    multi-grain sushi

    As I was dropping my sisters off at the airport last week, I started to feel the slightest tickle of a sore throat. And sure enough, the rest of the week I was down and out with a sore throat, fever, ...

  • Health Blog

    ahi tuna burgers with fresh mango salsa

    Today is my sisters last day, and Im really going to miss having them around.One of my favorite parts of our days has been making dinner together. Not only are they a huge help, its just fun to have c...

  • Health Blog

    pan-seared scallops on linguine with tomato-cream sauce

    Two of my three little sisters are in town visiting me, and were about to take a little staycation in Waikiki. Before we venture to the vibrant world of restaurants and nightlife, we decided to eat as...

  • Health Blog

    tuna coconut doughnut

    Yesterday I had a book club brunch on the beach, and it was a tough call what was better the book (Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, highly recommended) or the brunch. Now, it may not look like this spr...