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Health Blog
Consumer Reports Strikes Again: Who’s Minding the Misinformation?
Is it Groundhog Day? 'Cause it sure feels like it. Consumer Reports (CR) is at it again with its typical anti-tuna rhetoric. In CRs latest tuna tale, they attempt to spook children. Thankfully, parent...
Health Blog
NBC News makes healthy eating during pregnancy a lot harder
Stacey Naggiar,
Associate Producer, Health
Health & Medicine VIA EMAIL Dear Ms. Naggiar, I am writing to address fundamental editorial problems with your online article, Pregnant and Poor... -
Health Blog
The EWG Mercury Conspiracy Lives On
The professional fearmonger, anti-vaccination-conspiracy-theory-pusher, and all-around activist shop that is the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is out today with another addition to their collectio...
Consumer Protection Blog
Reuters Reporting Misses the Mark on Suspicious Mercury & Mislabeling Story
August 28, 2014 Michele Gershberg
Editor, Health & Pharma News
Reuters VIA EMAIL Dear Ms. Gershberg, I am writing to express great concerns about your online article, Fishery mislabeling c... -
Health Blog
USA Today Botches Consumer Reports Reporting
August 28, 2014 David Callaway Editor in Chief USA Today Dear Mr. Callaway, I was disappointed to find numerous, troubling issues associated with Linda Lombrosos article Pregnant women should not eat...
Health Blog
Question for Roberto A. Ferdman: What Is It That You Dont Understand?
Washington Post wonkblog writer Roberto A. Ferdman continues to write about canned tuna and continues to leave holes in his stories big enough to drive a truck through. This time he writes; Despite Co...
Health Blog
FDA Blasts Consumer Reports Irresponsible Tuna Recommendation
While Consumer Reports gives bad advice to pregnant women about tuna consumption the FDA says consumers should not fixate on mercury:"The Consumer Reports analysis is limited in that it focuses exclus...
Health Press Release
MEDIA ALERT: Consumer Reports does disservice to pregnant women with absurd tuna guidance
Washington, DC August 20, 2014 Consumer Reports is set to publish a recommendation that pregnant women avoid all canned tuna, advice that flies in the face of more than a decade of independent, peer...
Health Blog
Tinfoil Hat Brigade Wants To Be A Resource For Reporters
Its been two weeks since the FDA came out with its new draft guidance for pregnant women on eating seafood and theres been a flood of reporting about it: Wall Street Journal FDA to Increase Calls for...
Health Blog
Consumer Reports Gears Up For Another Tuna Tale
June 25, 2014 Marion Wilson-Spencer Product Analyst Consumer Reports 101 Truman Avenue, Yonkers,NY - 10703-1057 Via Email Dear Ms. Wilson-Spencer, Thank you for reaching out to the National Fisheries ...