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Displaying results 741-750 of 1

  • Health Blog

    corny salmon cakes from @MealMakeovrMoms

    I am always on the hunt for kid-friendly and adult-appealing recipes (seafood and otherwise). Since I had canned salmon in the pantry, I whipped up some Corny Salmon Cakes from the lovely Meal Makeove...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Gelfond Fund for Mercury Research & Outreach

    The Gelfond Fund for Mercury Research & Outreach claims to be “focused on providing information to the public and health professionals about how mercury gets into seafood and what the health eff...

  • Health Blog

    Tilapia in Saffron Tomato Sauce from @Foodfaye

    Two weeks ago, my family moved into a new house. Last week, we celebrated Rosh Hashanah. Because its already been a busy September and weve not yet fully unpacked (not even close!), I wanted an easy, ...

  • Safety Blog

    Radioactive Reporting

    The old saying If It Bleeds It Leads is designed to be pejorative, yet accurate in its illustration of how pathetic some reporters and bloggers can be in search of the sensational. Oh and I know, beli...

  • Health Blog

    creamy Greek yogurt mac & cheese with tuna from @cookingalamel

    While blogger Melindas creamy mac & cheese looks a lot more beautiful than mine, I promise you this recipe was really delicious tasting and quite possibly easier than boxed mac & cheese. The only prep...

  • Health Blog

    boston comfort: fish and chips @legalseafoods

    We spent last weekend in Boston. And, Im just going to put it out there: I love Boston.Having spent my mid-20sand having met my now-husbandin Beantown, the charming town always draws me in and makes m...

  • Health Blog

    caramelized salmon from @pinchofyum

    Most people start a meal by picking an entree and then casting the supporting sides. But this entire meal was built around my craving for an unassumingly delicious side dish, roasted cabbage. Taking a...

  • Health Blog

    Mercury study is just that not about health or nutrition

    Some media outlets got it right. They looked at the Nature Geoscience, August 2013 study titled Mercury isotope evidence for methylation below the mixed layer in the central North Pacific Ocean and re...

  • Health Blog

    Business Insider and Emily Oster Continue the Tuna Myth

    Emily Osters new book, Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong-and What You Really Need to Know, has been getting attention for taking on some of the conventional wisdom about...

  • Health Blog

    grilled shrimp and mango salad from @epicurious

    Lately, Im liking the idea of salads without leafy greens. They do better as leftovers, and though I love greens, I love the ease of leftovers more. This gorgeous grilled shrimp (I had some in the fre...