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Displaying results 571-580 of 1

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Repackaged, Warmed-Over PR Ploys From Greenpeace: Different Hashtag, Same Scam

    How many times can Greenpeace recycle the same old publicity stunts before they finally exhaust the gullibility of the news media?  That seems to be the wager behind the global fundraising organizati...

  • Health Blog

    hemp-quinoa tabbouleh w/ salmon

    There I was... looking inside my fridge at lunch today. Leftover hemp seed tabbouleh with cucumber, tomatoes and parsley. Leftover quinoa made with currants and pumpkin seeds. So, I did any hungry per...

  • NFI Crab Council Recognized by United Nations for Sustainability Work

    September 29, 2015 (WASHINGTON) – The National Fisheries Institute’s (NFI) Crab Council is being recognized by the U.N. Global Compact for its industry-led sustainability programs. Through...

  • Uncategorized Video Blog

    Hard Questions for Seafood’s Top Brass

    Are you wondering why you should attend the Global Seafood Market Conference in January? Watch this video and it’ll answer some… tough… questions ...

  • Health Blog

    New York Times Falls Victim To Its Own Warning

    Over at the New York Times, Jim Windolf astutely notes that the American media has a corrosive habit of fomenting hysteria over nonexistent health threats, and that we’d probably be better off tunin...

  • NFI Crab Council Announces New Member

    September 22, 2015 Washington, DC – The National Fisheries Institute’s (NFI) Crab Council has added new member, Lawrence Street Seafood Co. Inc, expanding their roster of sustainably-minded crab i...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    More Dangerous Misinformation from Consumer Reports

    More than a year after the Food and Drug Administration definitively called out Consumer Reports for its feckless and dangerous misinformation on tuna, the group continues to peddle the same pseudo-sc...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Research Malpractice?

    A word of warning to reporters who might have come across a press release promoting a little-known study that purports to look at the benefits and risks associated with eating fish. The study claims i...

  • Health Blog

    cod & corn chowder

    Cod and corn. These two c's make a chowder-licious soup. Lately, I have been on a kick to try new recipes. Maybe it's because the mornings are slightly cooler and the sky is been a little graye...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Time For An Update; Reports Yesterday’s Science

    September 1, 2015 Madelyn Fernstrom Health & Nutrition Editor Dear Ms. Fernstrom,’s recent article Eating fish 2-3 times a week is recommended: What about ever...