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Displaying results 1891-1900 of 1

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeaces Delusions of Grandeur

    Greenpeace is at it again today in the Washington Post. And this time theyre suggesting that their sustainability campaign is somehow having an effect on grocers. For starters Greenpeace implies that ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Fourth Estate Disappoints on Tilapia Story

    The tilapia story is still bouncing around out there with misinformed journalists repeating the easily digestible but off-base, sound-bite science that continues to suggest eating doughnuts and bacon ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Tilapia Story – a preferable perspective?

    Nothing, if not polite. Im talking about our new friends at the Winston Salem Journal and Ill let you in a little secret, I know that paper pretty well because I read it and the Greensboro News and...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Tilapia Story Tainted By Journalistic Mistakes

    The Winston Salem Journals Executive Editor responded to our letter this afternoon and had quite a bit to say about his papers reporting (you can read the whole email below.) But what I found most int...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Sensational Tilapia Story Begins to Unravel

    So, despite the warnings to the media it's happened again. A reporter eager for a sensational headline has botched a story about seafood science and in the process created an unnecessary scare. This ...

  • Health Blog

    Radio show

    The transcript from my radio spot is now available. As agonizing as it is to listen to my own voice, I really do get a kick out of the show. Andy was such a fun host and the fishy music is fabulous....

  • Health Blog

    Seafood paella

    I just tallied it up, and over my 3 days in Mexico, I ate seafood 7 times. We had swordfish tostados, grilled mahi-mahi, crispy shrimp salad, smoked salmon for breakfast, fish tacos, and even sus...

  • Press Release

    Feds Choose Shrimp to Test Import Safety Certification

    July 9, 2008 Washington, DC During the first-ever Import Safety Summit, Michael Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), which oversees the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), announce...

  • Health Blog


    I got back late last night from Mexico, and have a major backup of seafood pictures. Before even heading south of the border, Thursday evening Lloyd and I ate dinner with my bosss family, where...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Getting Educated About Tilapia

    Heres a quick heads up for members of the media who might stumble across a tempting tilapia story that just doesnt pass the smell test. Theres this new report out that suggests that (wait for salacio...