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Displaying results 1721-1730 of 1

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Piven In A Pickle (II)

    A day after the FDA released an exhaustive, peer-reviewed, draft report analyzing the state of seafood science over the past 5 years that demonstrates just how much the benefits of eating seafood outw...

  • Health Press Release

    Statement on the Release of FDAs Draft Report Evaluating the Effect of Eating Fish on Heart Disease and Pregnancy

    Today the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publicly released a comprehensive, rigorously peer-reviewed draft report assessing the latest research on the effects of seafood on heart health and baby b...

  • Health Blog

    Tour of Oahu

    It's been a couple days since I first opened my Inbox after my wedding time off, and I'm happy to report that my outstanding emails are now in the single digits. I'm actually happy to be back - my sc...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Good Morning Mr. Piven

    Actor Jeremy Piven is in full damage control mode. Ever since his wacky mercury poisoning "diagnosis" and subsequent flight from Broadway he's been laying low-recuperating... except when there are awa...

  • Health Blog

    Since I’ve been gone…

    Happy 2009 and aloha! A lot has happened in the last couple weeks. I've welcomed a new year, a new husband, and a new home (Oahu, Hawaii) in to my life! It's all been overwhelmingly wonderful, and no ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Facing the Facts on Sustainability

    Perhaps The Economist isn't a paper you read regularly... at the risk of having a Sara Palin / Katie Couric moment I'll admit I've let my Economist subscription laps. Thankfully Stetson Tinkham, our d...

  • Health Blog

    Home for the holidays

    Well, my out to eat streak has finally come to an end. Lloyd and I moved from Newport, RI on Friday and are now at our respective parents' homes in Texas through the holiday. We're meeting up in W...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The New York Times Weighs In On Mercury And Fish

    Here at NFI, you could forgive us if we get a little wary whenever the New York Times takes up the issue of fish consumption and mercury. As you can see from the NFI on the Record section of our Web s...

  • Health Press Release

    Reporters and Editors Warned to Treat Claims of Mercury Poisoning by Actor Jeremy Piven with Skepticism

    WASHINGTON, D.C. December 23, 2008 The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is alerting reporters and editors nationwide to treat actor Jeremy Piven's claims of mercury poisoning from eating sushi wit...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Piven In A Pickle

    There's a story making the rounds that actor Jeremy Piven has had to pull out of a Broadway play because of high mercury levels he associates with having eaten too much sushi. But it would appear this...