Recovering from a red-eye

Last Tuesday I got on a plane in balmy Honolulu
and (some minor delays and a red-eye later) got off in icy Washington, DC. I’m back for work – one of four trips I’ll make
this year to attend meetings and spend face time with my
colleagues. Except for the despicable
weather, it’s been a valuable and interesting week. The big meeting I attended and gave comments
at was of the 2010 Dietary
Guidelines Advisory Committee
. These
are the important 12 people that will set nutrition recommendations for the
next five years, and I’m excited to report that clear advice to eat more fish
seems like a top priority to them.

I also had a planning meeting today at a marketing firm we
work with, and wanted to show you that we fish promoters practice what we
preach. Here is my lunch (swordfish
sandwich) and our account supervisor’s lunch (salmon salad). The perfect fuel for brainstorming!

swordfish sandwichsalmon salad