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Displaying results 1431-1440 of 1

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Revisionist History Channel

    The History Channel is home to some world class programs but in last night's episode of Modern Marvels the highly regarded outfit made some world class mistakes. In keeping with its highly regarded r...

  • Health Blog

    Dr. Oz — Way Off On Fish Facts (III)

    Imagine this; you hear your doctor dispensing questionable advice that you know contradicts the latest science and demonstrably confuses two distinctly different topics. So, you call him on it.What do...

  • Health Blog

    chimichurri salmon with spicy, citrusy black beans

    I love beans. Yet somehow, I have opted for canned over dried every single time I have ever prepared them. Yes, that's right, until last night I was a dried beans virgin. So now, on the morning a...

  • Health Blog

    Common Sense Questions And Answers

    Just the other day a question appeared on Yahoo Answers that asked: What is up with Mercury and Fish? If fish is so bad for people, why have Asian cultures eaten it for thousands of years with no ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Common Sense Questions And Answers

    Just the other day a question appeared on Yahoo Answers that asked: What is up with Mercury and Fish? If fish is so bad for people, why have Asian cultures eaten it for thousands of years with ...

  • Health Blog

    leftover spicy shrimp satay over noodles

    I found myself bolstering restaurant leftovers for lunch again today. This time I got a before and after shot to illustrate the transformation. The meal was originally spicy shrimp satay over...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Dr. Oz — Way Off On Fish Facts (II)

    Paging Dr. Oz... Paging Dr. Oz... February 1, 2010 Laurie Rich Executive Producer ZoCo Productions, LLC VIA Email c/o Jackie Barth Dear Ms. Rich, I am writing to confirm receipt...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    CBS And BPA (Part IV)

    Any dentist worth hissalt (or sugar) can tell you the age old joke that reads something like, "ignore your teeth and they'll go away." However, the same cannot be said for NFI: February 1, 2010 ...

  • Health Blog

    Perspective On Canned Tuna Tests

    If you find yourself reporting on the UNVL canned tuna tests you might want to keep this quote in mind from the lead researcher on the project. And let's not be coy about what he is saying here-- desp...

  • Health Blog

    cod with chunky tomato-bell pepper sauce

    The red snapper with chunky tomato-bell pepper sauce I had planned for dinner Tuesday became cod with chunky tomato-bell pepper sauce for dinner Thursday. Our grocery store was out of red snapper...