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Displaying results 1391-1400 of 1

  • Health Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right (Part VI)

    Time Magazine made a mistake when it put tuna on its top ten list of dangerous foods. Plain and simple it made a mistake. We pointed that out to editors and mangers and in two rounds of exten...

  • Health Blog

    roasted salmon with maple glaze

    Last night for the first time, possibly ever, Lloyd did not eat the fish I made for dinner.No, he hadnt already eaten.He wasnt feeling under the weather.In fact he was especially ravenous, and hurried...

  • Safety Blog

    Direct Line to FDA

    Unless you have a direct line to FDAs Division of Compliance Policy it is often difficult to understand how the agency interprets the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. This is the law that defines w...

  • Health Blog

    Recycled Rhetoric Resurrected On The Web

    Would it be a bridge too far to say trumped-up imported seafood scare stories are pass? I mean really, how many times can you hear an anchor say something is fishy and then toss to a reporter who cant...

  • Health Blog

    summer rolls with coconut fish sauce

    My sister, Carlie, and her friend, Connie, left me late Monday night to return to their lives in Texas. Before we said goodbye (yes, I did cry) they prepared a delicious last supper.Connies family is ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Catchy Headline in Our Future?

    CBP does a great job of publicizing their successes. This releasecame across my email recently Baltimore CBP Flexes Muscles Over Phony Fitness Gear. Clever headline, made me read more.CBP aggressivel...

  • Health Blog

    Big Island sushi

    Our Big Island trip was a blast.I dont like to be discriminatory, but have long maintained I cant be friends with finicky eaters.And I definitely cannot travel with them.Happily, the five of us girls ...

  • Health Blog

    Greek-style mahi mahi

    Here is a belated look at the Greek-style mahi mahi I greeted my visitors with when they arrived on Sunday. My sister Carlie loves lemons (to the point where she gets the extremely zippy lemon chi...

  • Health Blog

    Thai-style swordfish steaks

    The Thai-style swordfish steaks I made last Thursday night looked so restaurant-like over a fluffy scoop of wasabi mashed potatoes, that I ruined it all by sneaking a bite before I had the chance to t...

  • Sustainability Press Release

    No Fish, No RainforestA Eye Opening Review

    March 12, 2010 Washington, DC In order to replace the protein harvested by commercial seafood man would have to clear cut all of the worlds rainforests 22 times over, according to renowned University...