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Displaying results 1371-1380 of 1

  • Health Blog

    Big News

    Not eating seafood can be really bad for your health and government communicators need to step up and explain thatthats the conclusion of a new World Health Organization report developed in conjunctio...

  • Health Press Release

    Benefits of Eating Fish Need to be Better Communicated says World Health Organization

    A joint report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization says governments need to do a better job emphasizing the benefits of eating se...

  • Health Blog

    diced tomato pasta with anchovies and shallots

    Im back on track with, not only edible, but very tasty lunches. Today I made a simple diced tomato pasta with anchovies, shallots, salt, pepper, and the juice of half a lemon for flavor. Anchovies abs...

  • Health Blog

    grilled steak, salmon, and shrimp

    Grilling season is here!Well, in Hawaii, its technically always grilling season.But we like to define our seasons by the foods we eat (since the weather, clothes, etc. dont change), so we start grilli...

  • Health Blog

    the simplest salmon cake

    Lunch was a disaster today. My original plan was to make stir-fried eggplant and tofu.I only had silken tofu, but thought I could make it work.Turns out silken tofu is very silky, and I could not inde...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    People vs. Ralphs

    Net weight violations made the news again this time it was Ralphs, a major grocery chain in California, being charged by the LA City Attorneys office for short weighting consumers. Not just ice-glaze...

  • Health Blog

    tuna olive sandwich and bean soup with kale

    When Im really famished, theres rarely anything that sounds better than a tuna sandwich.Today I got up at 3am (9am EST) to listen the final webinar meeting of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee...

  • Health Blog

    sauted halibut with pecan shallot topping

    Lloyd and I are moving this weekend and next weekend (we thought it would be easier to split in two) to a beachside cottage a town over. Our new place is fantastically located, right on the famed Kail...

  • Health Blog

    Disinformation For Mother’s Day

    In the PR game, one of the oldest news hooks in the book is to base a story on an upcoming holiday. While it's cheesy, it's also effective, and can help get even the most mundane story into print.Earl...

  • Health Blog

    Hollywood Mogul Decides to Follow In Piven’s Dubious Footsteps

    As everyone in the world seems to know, some fish stories are so good people can't help but tell them over and over again, and even borrow them from one another.A reminder of that phenomenon came out ...