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Displaying results 1301-1310 of 1

  • Blog

    Integrity Be Damned

    The integrity of the seafood industry doesnt lie solely in the marketing of a single fish or the sustainability story of a single species. It lies with the ability of a community of competitors to loo...

  • Health Blog

    turkey meatballs with a fish twist

    I usually mix a sardine or two into my turkey meatballs for the nutty flavor and nutrition boost. But I knew I overdid it yesterday when Lloyd took one bite and asked me are these crab meatballs?I adm...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Oprah Steps Into Sustainable Seafood — With Predictable Results

    If you read this blog with any regularity you know we're constantly reminding the press about our objections to many of the seafood pocket guides that have been proliferating in recent years. In short...

  • Health Blog

    roasted salmon and fennel

    Last night it got late quick and the thought of take-out Mexican trumped the salmon I had planned. So I bumped the salmon back for a luxurious lunch today.I was so distracted by how well the delicious...

  • Health Blog

    an impromptu crab cake burger

    Last night I got the bulgur boiling for my veggie burgers, and realized I was missing a fairly integral ingredient the canned pinto beans.Or any canned beans.But what I did find in the pantry was a c...

  • Health Blog

    tangy tuna pasta

    I seem to start the week off often with canned/pouch fish for lunch. It just works so well when leftovers havent had a chance to pile up yet.Today I made a tangy tuna pasta with shallots, capers, and ...

  • Health Blog

    Fact Checking the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on Fish and Mercury

    It's been a little more than a year since the Hearst Corporation ceased publication of the print edition of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Since then, the newspaper has lived on as an online only pro...

  • Health Blog

    risotto with clams

    The 4 servings of risotto with clams I made last night became 2 generous servings for Lloyd and I. It was really good, and with all the stirring, we didnt eat it until really late.I substituted basil ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Broken Windows Theory

    We often mention the broken windows theory when we encourage FDA to focus some resources on economic fraud violations. The willingness to cheat or not understand the economic regulations (e.g., net we...

  • Health Blog

    parmesan-crusted tilapia

    The parmesan-crusted tilapia I made Tuesday night was pretty good, but if Im going to put almost a cup of cheese on my fish, Id like to be able to taste it. It unfortunately seemed to melt away to not...