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Displaying results 1251-1260 of 1
Catfish Farmers Caustic Crusade
It was two weeks ago that I blogged in defense of domestic catfish producers. I noted that a pointed allegation, published in Seafood Source, designed to smear the industry should have been attributed...
Press Release
Catfish Ad Promotes Divisive Distortions
Washington, DC October 20, 2010 With furrowed brow and overacted artificial sincerity the Catfish Farmers of America (CFA) have launched a television commercial designed to distort the safety of impo...
Health Blog
lemon-pepper tuna steak with whole wheat spaghetti and sauted green beans
I am home from Texas now, but Lloyd is still there spending a little extra time with his family for the next few days. So the single-girl impromptu meals are back.Last night for dinner I ate a pouch l...
Health Blog
How Tuna Helped Keep Chile’s Trapped Miners Alive
Over the past few days, the world has been riveted as each of the 33 miners who have been trapped underground in Chile since Augusthas made it to the surface. It's an incredible story, and one where c...
Health Blog
Got Embarrassingly Misguided Advice and Rhetoric?
The kids over at GotMercury? have taken their thoroughly middle school science fair like research and crafted some new suggestions for consumers. Are you ready for them?Dont eat swordfish or tuna.And ...
Health Blog
Im in Texas now, and hows this for a Texas dinnerfried fresh-caught bass from the lake out back, coleslaw, and sweet potatoes.I used to maintain that fried seafood was a waste of calories because you ...
Health Blog
Take-out sushi always seems fitting both the night before and the night after a trip. Fulfilling the front end, we got a fresh and delicious assortment of nigiri and rolls for dinner last night from N...
Health Blog
pasta with tuna, garlic, and lemon
I was in full-blown hostess mode at Lloyds send off party last Friday at Mexitlan Grill, so I didnt get the chance to snap a pic of the delicious shrimp (and chicken and beef) fajitas we ate.Youll hav...
Theres an old saying about opinions and everybody having one thats not fit to print but the reality is opinions are important and so are opinion pieces like the one that ran Monday in Seafood Source t...
Health Blog
Reporters Get a Heads Up on the New Dietary Guidelines
In case you missed this Washington Post article about the forthcoming, new, Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Its worth a read.Interestingly enough theres some targeted advice for doctors and dietitia...