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Displaying results 1171-1180 of 1

  • Health Blog

    Wonderfish Questions

    Recently Stuart Elliot wrote about the new Tuna The Wondefish campaign in the New York Times, Time to Eat Tuna? Wonder No More This and other articles have raised a few questions about tuna. Here wel...

  • Health Blog

    lemon-garlic sardine fettuccine for #RDDay

    Today is Registered Dietitian Day.While there wont be any parades or school cancelations in celebration, its a chance to recognize the work registered dietitians (RDs) do to help people make smart foo...

  • Health Blog

    sushi bake

    This spring Im heading up an afterschool cooking class series for forth and fifth graders taught by local chefs.Its a project of the Kids in the Kitchen program of the Junior League of Honolulu, a wel...

  • Health Blog

    tropical tuna sandwich

    Sometimes when I get an idea for a non-traditional combination of foods, I like to Google it to confirm someone out there has given it a whirl.I got the green light on combining tuna and pineapple for...

  • Blog

    Former FDA Food Safety Czar Weighs In On Catfish Question

    With the USDAs publication of the proposed rule regarding catfish and its comically debated definition, some heavy hitters are weighing in on whether this wasteful, duplicative project is even a worth...

  • Health Blog

    marlin pomodoro

    Island fresh marlin was on special this weekend, so I picked up a fillet trusting itd be delicious even though I didnt have a specific plan for it.I never really developed a specific plan for it; I si...

  • Health Blog

    tuna, spinach, mushroom, and mozzarella quesadilla

    Today is an especially happy Friday because I woke up to a really well done story about eating seafood on Good Morning America. Morning shows arent always spot on with the science, but GMA got it righ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Species Substitution of a Different Elk

    Kudos to FDA for issuing a Warning Letter for an alleged case of species substitution. It wasn't seafood related, but it was a crack down on species substitution nonetheless. In this situation, FDA re...

  • Health Blog

    The Message Is Reaching The Masses

    The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans have been making the media rounds and as I mentioned at the beginning of February by-in-large they are being reported on accurately. Have a look at this segmen...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Greenpeace Celebrates Fewer Choices for American Consumers

    The radical activist group Greenpeace is celebrating the fact that Americans will now have fewer choices when shopping for seafood at Costco. The group says the store will stop selling some of the fis...