• Consumer Protection Blog

    People vs. Ralphs

    Net weight violations made the news again this time it was Ralphs, a major grocery chain in California, being charged by the LA City Attorneys office for short weighting consumers. Not just ice-glaze...

  • Consumer Protection News Item

    Ralph’s Grocery and Parent Company Charged for Overbilling Customers

    The Los Angeles City Attorneys Criminal Branch filed a multi-count criminal case against Ralphs Grocery Company, and its parent corporation the Kroger Company, after undercover inspections at 14 groce...

  • Health Blog

    tuna olive sandwich and bean soup with kale

    When Im really famished, theres rarely anything that sounds better than a tuna sandwich.Today I got up at 3am (9am EST) to listen the final webinar meeting of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee...

  • Consumer Protection News Item

    Bahamian National Sentenced in International Seafood Smuggling Operation

    Robbie Franklin Smith, of Bimini, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, was sentenced in Fort Lauderdale District Court, for his role in the illegal importation of queen conch and spiny lobster from the Bahama...

  • Health Blog

    sauted halibut with pecan shallot topping

    Lloyd and I are moving this weekend and next weekend (we thought it would be easier to split in two) to a beachside cottage a town over. Our new place is fantastically located, right on the famed Kail...

  • Health Blog

    Disinformation For Mother’s Day

    In the PR game, one of the oldest news hooks in the book is to base a story on an upcoming holiday. While it's cheesy, it's also effective, and can help get even the most mundane story into print.Earl...

  • Health Blog

    Hollywood Mogul Decides to Follow In Piven’s Dubious Footsteps

    As everyone in the world seems to know, some fish stories are so good people can't help but tell them over and over again, and even borrow them from one another.A reminder of that phenomenon came out ...

  • Consumer Protection News Item

    New York Announces Results of Net Weight Investigation

    The State of New York announced the results of a statewide investigation of the net weights of frozen seafood products as part of a 17-state investigation. New York reported that 11 percent of the sur...

  • Consumer Protection News Item

    Wisconsin Announces Results of Net Weight Investigation

    The State of Wisconsin issued a press release with the findings with the states findings as part of the 17-state investigation of net weight of ice-glazed frozen seafood products. Inspectors found som...

  • Consumer Protection News Item

    Alaska Announces Results of Net Weight Investigation

    The State of Alaska announces that they found zero violations of net weight labeling with the samples tested as part of the 17-state investigation of net weight of ice-glazed frozen seafood products....

  • Health Blog

    Lloyd’s 30th birthday dinner

    Finally, the beautiful food we shared for Lloyds 30th birthday dinner.I chose the restaurant based on a super user-friendly guide called Top Maui Restaurants.It has a section called Ten Meals on Maui ...

  • Safety Blog

    Dont Drown The Gulf In Misinformation

    The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an ecological and human disaster that will surely effect not only the fragile habitats where shrimp and oysters are harvested but the very core of the community ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Word is Out (Part II)

    Some more on the Word is Out. A month after the NCWM release of results of the investigation by states looking at the weight of frozen seafood products we still see some press pick-up. The Chicago Tri...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    The Many Faces of Food Fraud

    We tend to have a limited view of fraud in the seafood industry:Intentionally packing short weight product by including the weight of the glaze as part of the net weight of the productSelling fish as ...

  • Health Blog

    Perceptions Of Seafood Safety A Must Read For Reporters

    Time and time again we see local TV stations recycling the ole testing mercury in fish story. We have literally seen the same story in dozens of local markets across the country over the course of fiv...