• Health Resource

    Separation of Risks and Benefits of Seafood Intake

    Separation of Risks and Benefits of Seafood Intake
    Authors: Esben Budtz-Jorgensen, et al.
    University of Copenhagen
    Journal: Environmental Health Perspectives, March 2007

  • Health Resource

    Nutrient and Methyl Mercury Exposure from Consuming Fish

    Nutrient and Methyl Mercury Exposure from Consuming Fish
    Authors: Gary Meyers, et al.
    University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
    Journal: The Journal of Nutrition, ...

  • Health Resource

    Essential n-3 Fatty Acids in Pregnant Women and Early Visual Acuity Maturation in Term Infants

    Essential n-3 Fatty Acids in Pregnant Women and Early Visual Acuity Maturation in Term Infants
    Authors: Sheila M. Innis, et al.
    Child and Family Research Institute, Canada
    Journal: ...

  • Health Resource

    Maternal Fish Intake during Pregnancy, Blood Mercury Levels and Child Cognition at Age 3 Years in a US Cohort

    Maternal Fish Intake during Pregnancy, Blood Mercury Levels and Child Cognition at Age 3 Years in a US Cohort
    Authors: Emily Oken, et al.
    Harvard Medical School
    Journal: American J...

  • Press Release

    Union Organizer Accuses Foreign Shrimp Processors of Labor Law Violations

    April 23, Washington The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) rejects any mistreatment of workers or other human rights abuses. Workers whether they be fishermen on the water, farmers at their ponds, ...

  • Sustainability Press Release

    A Salute to Stewards of Sustainability

    With an increasing number of Americans turning to seafood as part of a healthy diet, on this Earth Day, the evidence is clear that fisheries are answering the call for sustainability. The seafood comm...

  • Sustainability Press Release

    Greenpeaces Pacific Protest: Dangerous & Misguided

    A US tuna boat operating legally in the Pacific Ocean was vandalized at sea as part of a dangerous and irresponsible stunt perpetrated by Greenpeace activists. To pull along side another vessel at sea...

  • Consumer Protection Press Release

    Congress Takes Aim at Illegal, Unregulated Fishing

    Today the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans heard testimony about illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and considered efforts to reduce the worldwide ...

  • Press Release

    Media Still Perpetuating Mercury Myth

    Its happened again, this time in Houston. A Sunday March 30th report in the Houston Chronicle detailed yet another set of mercury tests done on bluefin tuna found in local sushi restaurants. The story...

  • Press Release

    Eating More Fish During Pregnancy Improves Infant Intellect

    New research
    to be published in the April issue of the American Journal of
    Epidemiology adds to the groundswell of new, independent science that
    shows moms who eat more than the U.S....

  • Resource

    How to Buy

    Follow the once for twice ruleshop once a week for two seafood meals at home. Always buy seafood from a reputable market where the employees are able to answer questions. Fresh fish should be brig...

  • Resource

    A Lifetime of Benefits

    Seafood is a powerhouse food. It fuels our bodies with important vitamins and minerals that help keep us in the best possible health at all life stages, from birth through old age. See what eating s...

  • Press Release

    Enviro-Lobbyists Push Prop65 Scare Story, Encourage Seafood-Deficient Diet

    The National Fisheries Institute advises local California news
    outlets and any other news outlets around the United States that
    erroneous claims about mercury in seafood by Got Mercury may...

  • Health Press Release

    Moms Low Fish Diet May Have Consequences for Baby

    A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    says the typical American diet, low in seafood, is deficient in omega-3
    fatty acids and may pose a risk to babies develo...

  • Press Release


    The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative today released its annual U.S.
    Ocean Policy Report Card, highlighting notable progress in state and
    regional efforts at ocean policy reform and in eff...