• Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeace Campaign Heads South… Way South

    Greenpeace's flawed seafood sustainability campaign has stumbled and stuttered its way to New Zealand. Some Kiwi friends report the eco-lobby's effort there isn't going so well. For starters they circ...

  • Health Blog

    The best smell

    Whenever my mom makes an outstanding recipe, she always writes "do-over" next to it in her cookbook. The spicy red fish (I used Dover sole and calamari) stew I made last night is absolutely a do...

  • Health Blog

    Fish stew in my future

    Because today is cloudy and a few degrees cooler than it has been, Im thinking of making a comforting fish stew for dinner. Ive also come to find lately that soups and stews are the gift that keeps o...

  • Health Blog

    Vitamin D

    With all the fuss about omega-3 fats, its easy to forget that fish isnt a one-trick pony. Another nutrient for which seafood is just about the only naturally-rich source (aside from sunshine!) is vi...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Better Seafood Bureau Called reputable representatives ferreting out false marketing

    The headlines are everywhere; Fish Tale Has DNA Hook, DNA testing uncovers suspect sushi, Expensive fish mislabeled. Is it culinary fraud or an accident? Some serious science appears to have exposed ...

  • Consumer Protection Press Release

    Seafood Mislabeling Report Highlights BSB Challenge

    August 22, 2008 Washington, DC - Media reports from Toronto to New York are trumpeting the results of a Canadian study that enlisted the help of American teenagers to collect seafood samples for DNA t...

  • Health Blog

    How to travel with tuna

    I like to keep 3 ounce cups of tuna in my office for lunch and snacks. But how, you may wonder, does that single serving of tuna become a mouth-watering sandwich midday? My secret is to bring from...

  • Health Blog

    Pizza with anchovies

    Last night I had vegetable pizza with anchovies for dinner. Few people share my love for this small, but strong-tasting fish. Though I enjoy the power of getting a whole pizza to myself simply bec...

  • Health Blog

    Wedding food

    I have mentioned before that the stresses of wedding planning are all worth it to me for the fabulously fun opportunity to pick the food. Today I am excited to report that our caterer has officially ...

  • Health Blog

    Vegetables and fish

    As a bit of a detox from Restaurant Week, Lloyd and I ate a very vegetabley dinner last night - big bowls of green minestrone soup. I might have been jumping the gun a bit on hot soup season, but it ...

  • Health Blog

    Restaurant Week recap

    One of my dear friends, a fellow Tufts Nutrition graduate, once told me that she and her boyfriend spent an entire day in New York strolling through the neighborhoods, reading menus posted outsid...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Mother Jones “Tuna Surprise” Not Much of a Surprise

    Ihave hada look atan advanced copy of the Sept/Oct edition of Mother Jones. And I must say "Tuna Surprise" is not much of a surprise coming from such a blatantly agenda-driven outfit. As you m...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    NFI Goes On The Record With Mother Jones Magazine

    Back on March 1, 2008, NFI received an email from /Stephanie Mencimer, a reporter for Mother Jones about a story she is working on concerning tuna and mercury toxicity. Ms. Mencimer submitted a number...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Oceanas Misinformation Campaign

    This week the environmental lobbying group Oceana turned its attention towards Wal Mart as it campaigns for retailers to post mercury warning signs. But what Wal Mart and consumers should know is that...

  • Health Blog

    Restaurant Week

    Tonight marks the beginning of a weekend-long DC Restaurant Week spree. Twice a year, the finest spots in town offer $35 three-course dinner deals, and we can't help but to take full advantage. So ...