• Health Blog

    the best sushi ever

    Two highlights for this weekend - 1) we ate at Sushi Sasabune with friends on Saturday and 2) the fish feast fueled a Hawaii Pacific Tennis Foundation January Open win for Lloyd and one of sa...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    CBS And BPA

    Yesterday CBS's Early Show reported on the latest FDA interest in Bisphenol A, better known as BPA. This time they were talking about BPA in canned food. As part of their story reporter Kelly Wallace...

  • Health Blog

    mahi-mahi with spicy peanut sauce

    Probably as a subconscious response to the New Year, I've suddenly joined a number of groups. From now until late March, I'll be running with a group of girls on Tuesday and Thursday organized by K...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Alaska Pollock Is More Than A Good Alternative

    Bear with me here of a moment as I review the last few days in the life of Alaska pollock-on Wednesday the fishery was cleared for Marine Stewardship Council recertification and then on Thursday Monte...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Farming For Facts

    Two days ago we reached out to CNN.com after a column on their web site erroneously characterized farmed salmon and sourced unqualified environmental activists in a piece about nutrition. As they ha...

  • Health Resource

    Iron status biomarkers in iron deficient women consuming oily fish versus red meat diet

    Iron status biomarkers in iron deficient women consuming oily fish versus red meat diet
    Authors:S. Navas-Carretero, et al.
    Spanish National Research Council
    Journal:Journal of Physiolog...

  • Health Blog

    an open-face salmon burger with salsa verde

    This week I am trying to use up odds and ends from my giant grocery shop last week, so no menu plan. Just a lot of creativity on my part, and open-mindedness on Lloyd's... Today's lunch was an op...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    A Doctor, An Editor And A Farmed Salmon Walk Into A Bar But This Ones No Joke

    Sometimes agenda-driven writers or fast-talking physicians will pepper their work with enviro-half-truths just to get a message out there... or maybe they're doing 10 other things besides their nutra-...

  • Health Blog

    tuna noodle casserole

    Two nights ago I made this tuna noodle casserole. Thank goodness, because it was a lot of food and has been sustaining us while I've been sick. You know a dish is good when you feel like eating i...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Disinformation Finds A News Peg

    A piece of seafood news out of Japan has been attracting plenty of attention these, I'm talking about a giant bluefin tuna that was auctionedearlier this week for the astounding price of $177,000 or 1...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Tuna Tales

    For starters, who is Michael Byrd and what is he talking about? Well, according to his column in the American Chronicle he's a former physical therapist who doles out nutrition advice that is appa...

  • Health Blog

    Sin City seafood

    Vegas has a little something for everyone, and the little something it has for me is food. My three most memorable meals were New Year's Eve dinner at Sushi Roku (sashimi sampler); ...

  • Health Blog

    A Friendly Heads Up

    Reporters mark your calendars. Tomorrow (Tuesday, January 5th) the EPA will release The National Lakes Assessment a report billed as "the first-ever assessment of the condition of the nation's lakes."...

  • Health Blog

    seafood paella

    Christmas in Hawaii was extra non-traditional, but extra exciting. It started with a hearty "Good morning, Merry Christmas" from President Obama at the gym on base. In the ultimate silver lining ...

  • Health Blog

    Fishiest Stories Of the Year

    There were a load of fishy stories this year-- Like the story former New York Times reporter Marion Burros told... or didn't tell. When NFI posted an open letter to journalists and John Stossel repo...