• Uncategorized Blog

    The Most Important Blog Entry Ever Written Anywhere, Anytime

    Do you remember as a kid looking at the picture of a toy on the box and then opening it and finding it didn't quite match the sell job created by the artist's conception? I distinctly remember being a...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeace; Negotiation By Temper Tantrum

    Since February of '08 we've been warning U.S. grocery stores about the perils of engaging with Greenpeace (aka the 500 pound 5 year-old) on issues of sustainability. American stores have their own sea...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Sustainable Confusion

    The good thing is Environmental Defense never lets facts get in the way of a good blog posting... or in this case an erroneous, misleading one. Today's sustainablog is riddled with errors including t...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Fish, Pharmaceuticals, Hype and Hyperbole

    Reports are percolating today about an EPA study that found fish caught near wastewater treatment plants had residues of pharmaceuticals in them, including medicines used to treat high cholesterol, al...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    When Pseudo Journalism Pushes A Product

    You may have come across this recent article on something called Examiner.com, it's a series of websites where people who "consider [themselves] an insider with insights and knowledge to share" write ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeace Prepares To Sing The Same Ole Song

    It is often claimed that Albert Einstein said"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." It's also claimed he said"Reality is merely an il...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Decimal Point Or Deception?

    A Newsweek blogger has taken exception with my math on a recent challenge we issued to KPIX TV. And you know what? She was right. I botched my conversion of micrograms per deciliter vs. micrograms per...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Kwon And Hightower Team Up For More Mercury Misinformation (Part III)

    From a butcher you ask for meat. From a fishmonger you ask for seafood. From a reporter you ask for facts... is that too much to ask? Our latest letter: March 12, 2009 Dan Rosenheim News Director ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Pixing On Tuna

    Yesterday a California appeals court ruled that the mercury found in canned tuna doesn't reach the standard for concern as defined by proposition 65 and therefore there is no need for warning signs on...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Kwon And Hightower Team Up For More Mercury Misinformation (Part II)

    The folks at KPIX have yet to respond to my missive from last week. So, I sent them another email just to make sure there isn't a technical problem that I don't know about. A technical snafu would be ...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.