Greenpeace; Negotiation By Temper Tantrum

Since February of ’08 we’ve been warning U.S. grocery stores about the perils of engaging with Greenpeace (aka the 500 pound 5 year-old) on issues of sustainability. American stores have their own seafood sustainability plans and partners in place-they, quite frankly, don’t need an eco-bully to dictate how they handle their sourcing.

Case in point: Greenpeace has been harassing American stores again demanding they release details of their seafood sourcing policies and insisting they stop offering almost half of all commonly sold seafood. And they’re doing the same thing in Europe but, IntraFish reports today, as part of efforts to “initiate talks” with a Spanish grocery chain Greenpeace vandalized yet another store front. The chain had apparently rebuffed earlier contacts from the eco-extremists.

That’s quite a way to initiate a conversation-vandalism or “direct action” as Greenpeace calls it is the group’s way of throwing a proverbial temper tantrum.

  • “Look at me, look at me-my absurd, scientifically unsound sustainability demands are being ignored by stores that see me for what I am; a rudderless, marginalized, eco-has-been trying to live off my once-proud history. Look at me, look at me.”

This is what Greenpeace does. It becomes frustrated and turns from activism to vandalism.

Sad really… I can only imagine what the group’s peace activist founders of the 70ies think of misguided, disjointed attacks on the seafood community that often contradict themselves-some of which have already been embarrassingly exposed as mere fundraising platforms.



Listen carefully and maybe you can hear it…

“Waaaa waaaa.”

Yup, somewhere Greenpeace is negotiating.