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    More Misguided Advice on Seafood Sustainability

    Yesterday the New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope of the blog Well, linked to a piece on shopping for sustainable seafood over at True/Slant written by Seattle food writer Kim O'Donnel. Before diving in...

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    Not Slated To Appear

    Two things-- #1 I like Slate.com, it's usually fresh, illuminating and not afraid to call a spade a spade; qualities I tend to look for in a publication. #2 I am used to being left on the cutting room...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Marion Burros On John Stossels Blog

    Theres more action over at John Stossel's blog when it comes to our open letter to the mediaabout distortions found in reporting on seafood. In response to Stossel merely linking to the open letter an...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    John Stossel Reads NFI’s Open Letter To The Media

    You'll recall earlier this week that NFI issued an open letter to the news media that highlighted common errors and distortions in their coverage of the seafood community. Earlier today, John Stossel ...

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    If you've ever poked around the internet in search of Sushi sites you may have come across http://www.sustainablesushi.net/ . Sounds innocuous enough-a sushi lover helping other sushi lovers chose the...

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    NFIs Open Letter To Journalists

    Just in case you all did not notice we've added an open letter to Journalists. We're hoping writers, reporters, producers and editors working on stories about seafood who come across custom-built, sou...

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    Big Green Yawn

    Greenpeace is out rankinggrocery storesagain but the fact is these contrivedrankings have become background noise during an important seafood sustainability discussion that has seen responsible ENGO's...

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    What Will The AP Report If The Sky Really Does Fall?

    Today the Associated Press (AP) is reporting on a new study that claims "failed policies" have lead to "corruption" and "overfishing" the world over. For a venerable news agency it is an article that ...

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    Piven Hits Bottom, Keeps Digging

    Jeremy Piven, is back in the headlines this morning thanks to a piece in People where he tells correspondent Nicholas White that he's been "fish-free' for 10 months now. You'll recall that at the end ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Greenpeace, When Idealism Meets Realty

    It's not hard to become enamored with Greenpeace if you don't look below the surface. Save the whales, protect the forest, defend the earth-great goals. But what about distort the facts, destroy the p...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.