• Health Blog

    Taking Issue With Today (Part III)

    April 12, 2010
    David McCormick
    NBC News
    VP for Standards
    VIA EmailDear Mr. McCormick,Thank you for responding to our letter and for Ms. Bauers explanation of the advice she gave re...

  • Health Blog

    Taking Issue With Today (Part II)

    So, NBC wrote back, in hopes it would be able to address our concerns. I see a thorough cut and past job from Mr. McCormick but not so much with the addressing of the concerns. Feel free to read the l...

  • Health Blog

    Taking Issue With Today

    When you have a platform like the highest rated morning news program for going on two decades it means you have a large and loyal audience. It also means you have an even greater responsibility to be ...

  • Health Blog

    Getting More Facts In Your Diet

    We have a long and storied past with the New York Times that grew out of an article penned by Marian Burros that was, in the end, colossally off base and required not just a correction but a public ad...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Post Commits Sin Of Omission

    More than once I have bemoaned the fact that one media outlet or another did a story on seafood and did not reach out to use NFI as a resource. I maintain its rather difficult to write a story about t...

  • Health Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right (Part VI)

    Time Magazine made a mistake when it put tuna on its Time.com top ten list of dangerous foods. Plain and simple it made a mistake. We pointed that out to editors and mangers and in two rounds of exten...

  • Health Blog

    Recycled Rhetoric Resurrected On The Web

    Would it be a bridge too far to say trumped-up imported seafood scare stories are pass? I mean really, how many times can you hear an anchor say something is fishy and then toss to a reporter who cant...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Let’s Be Honest With Ourselves

    Lets be honest. If you havent seen stories in the media recently about an increased interest in ferreting out seafood fraud youve been living under a rock. Busts for short-weighted fish, mislabeled sp...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Oz Saga Continues

    Dr. Oz claims to be one of the biggest proponents of eating fish but time and time again when it comes to seafood science he comes close to getting it right or he just misses altogether.After a recent...

  • Health Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right (Part V)

    So, heres the latest from the folks at Time.com. This time their lawyer lets us know how indisputably accurate their story is-- only after having been revised twice because of myriad demonstrable erro...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.