• Health Blog

    NYT Green Blog Fails To Research The Research It Reports On

    The New York Times Blog, Green, is reporting that a new study suggests people need to be more wary of saltwater fish than freshwater fish because mercury in seawater is more likely to stay in its toxi...

  • Health Blog

    Dr. Oz Gets An Emmy For Stonewalling On Fish And Mercury

    All the stars in daytime television were out last night for the 37th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards. We couldn't help but notice that Dr. Mehmet Oz snagged an Emmy for top day time talk show host. As a re...

  • Sustainability Blog

    The Vulchers Are Circling

    The Gulf is wounded right now. Its natural resource is battered and its human resource is tested but its still alive.This is the time when you would expect vulchers to show up... and wouldnt you know ...

  • Health Blog

    Piven Now Famous For His Fable

    George Foreman is an Olympic gold medalist and two-time world heavyweight boxing champion who knocked out Joe Frazier and lost to Muhammad Ali in one of the most famous fights in history, The Rumble i...

  • Health Blog

    Advocacy Advice From Sue Kwon

    Imagine this for a moment, if you will. Brain Williams has just done a repot on the Obama administrations response to the Gulf oil spill and theres a fare bit of criticism leveled at the White House.T...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Food And Water Watch Cashes In On Crisis

    I had planned a blog entry that was chock full of famous quotes about war profiteers and scammers who swept in after tragedy to make a name or buck in the ensuing chaos but I stopped. I decided instea...

  • Health Blog

    Are the Food Pyramid Folks Going to Get it Right on Fish?

    It looks like the answer is, Yes.Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee put out its recommendations today and they say essentially say Americans eat too little seafood and should be encouraged to eat m...

  • Health Blog

    The Science of Specificity

    You are probably well aware of our conflict with Dr. Oz over the on-air mistakes he made concerning fish and mercury and his apparent refusal to correct the record. The truth is when it comes to these...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Greenpeace again with the rankings

    A one trick pony is just what it sounds like (at least here in the U.S.) It does the same thing over and over again, never changing and progressively failing to impress. A more colorful saying exists,...

  • Health Blog

    Dr. Oz Back On The Radar (Part II)

    Cant say we didnt warn ya.Today NFI followed our press release and letter on Dr. Ozs unwillingness to offer his viewers the correct information on seafood consumption by launching banner ads, Google A...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.