• Consumer Protection Blog

    Repackaged, Warmed-Over PR Ploys From Greenpeace: Different Hashtag, Same Scam

    How many times can Greenpeace recycle the same old publicity stunts before they finally exhaust the gullibility of the news media?  That seems to be the wager behind the global fundraising organizati...

  • Health Blog

    New York Times Falls Victim To Its Own Warning

    Over at the New York Times, Jim Windolf astutely notes that the American media has a corrosive habit of fomenting hysteria over nonexistent health threats, and that we’d probably be better off tunin...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    More Dangerous Misinformation from Consumer Reports

    More than a year after the Food and Drug Administration definitively called out Consumer Reports for its feckless and dangerous misinformation on tuna, the group continues to peddle the same pseudo-sc...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Research Malpractice?

    A word of warning to reporters who might have come across a press release promoting a little-known study that purports to look at the benefits and risks associated with eating fish. The study claims i...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Time For An Update; Today.com Reports Yesterday’s Science

    September 1, 2015 Madelyn Fernstrom Health & Nutrition Editor Today.com Dear Ms. Fernstrom, Today.com’s recent article Eating fish 2-3 times a week is recommended: What about ever...

  • Health Blog

    Too Much Consumer Reports, Too Much Misinformation

    Consumer Reports is back at it with another error-ridden, alarmist take on tuna and health. We had some fun last time pointing out the absurdity of much of the magazine's nutrition-based recommendatio...

  • Health Blog

    TIME magazine continues to fail its readers

    After our initial letter to TIME magazine, they were unwilling to make any changes, but suggested we send something forinclusionin an update to the piece. We have little faith they will use any signif...

  • Health Blog

    It’s time for TIME magazine to get it right about tuna

    March 27, 2015 Meredith Long
    Publisher Mandy Oaklander
    Author of tuna story/health editor Nancy Gibbs
    Managing Editor - TIME Edward Felsenthal
    Managing editor of Time.com Andrea D...

  • Health Blog

    Can Dr. Oz Make You Sick?

    Mehmet Oz, more popularly known as Dr. Oz on his daytime television talk show, purports to give his audience health tips and advice to improve their lives. But for years Oz has earned a reputation for...

  • Sustainability Blog

    NBCNews.com Replaces Reality, Regulation and History with Hyperbole

    A story this week on NBCnews.com about the state of the seafood industry is packed with sensationalism and hyperbole, yet absent much of the real science, facts and figures that drive actual sustainab...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.