• Health Blog

    Chicago Tribune: What Did They Know and When did They Know It?

    Chicago Tribune writer Nneka McGuire is currently working on a story about seafood consumption with a focus on women and pregnant women.  NFI has been happy to serve as a resource for Ms. McGuire pro...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Real Reporting on the Future of Seafood

    For years an erroneous statistic made the rounds of both causal conversation and main-stream media reporting. It said the world’s oceans would be emptied of fish by the year 2048.  The statistic wa...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Carl Safina exposed as Enviro Bully

    CFOOD, a network of fisheries scientists, responded this week to an article in Medium titled, Environmental Bullies, how conservation ideologues attack scientists who don’t agree with them. CFO...

  • Trade & Commerce Blog

    Science Scoffs at Sweden’s North American Lobster Claims

    If you’ve been following Sweden’s attempt to ban North American Lobsters you know about the country’s claim that the discovery of 32 lobsters over the course of seven years constitutes an invasi...

  • Health Blog

    Eat This Not That Slips One Step Closer to Internet Obscurity

    Once a quick go-to source for nutrition nuggets that mom and millennials could trust Eat This Not That has slipped yet another step closer to the click bait engine it has slowly been evolving into. Th...

  • Health Blog

    Seriously… what is wrong with Time Magazine?

    Yesterday at 9:04 am we reached out to Time Magazine reporter Alice Park, noting that there were no voices in her Environmental Working Group (EWG) mercury story presenting anything other than an EWG ...

  • Sustainability Blog

    New York Times Promotes Preposterous Oceans Parable

    The Old Gray Lady has a well-documented propensity for embracing the panacea of smiley, happy, universal sustainability without digging too far into the reality of some of its favorite strategies.  J...

  • Trade & Commerce Blog

    Canadian OpEd: Will fish be on the menu at upcoming State dinner?

    An OpEd in The Hill Times, a Canadian paper covering politics, emphasizes efforts by the Canadian fishing community and government to eliminate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing glo...

  • Trade & Commerce Blog

    Balanced Budget Blueprint Calls for Elimination of Catfish Program

    The Washington, D.C. based Heritage Foundation is out with its new blueprint for balancing the Federal Budget and one of its recommendations is to “repeal the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USD...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Tech Insider uses Cod as Clickbait

    This isn’t the first time we’ve had to reach out to Business/Tech Insider about inaccuracies in a seafood story, and it’s not the first time they’ve given us no response. Don’t you just hate...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.