• Consumer Protection Blog

    Former USDA & FDA Food Safety Czar Blasts USDA Catfish Program

    Dr. David Acheson, is the former Chief Medical Officer at the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and former Chief Medical Officer at the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. That mea...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Experts Say North American Lobster Not a Threat to Europe

    The U.S. announced on Monday (06/06/16) that the North American lobster is not a threat to Europe and does not meet the criteria of an invasive species. A letter by Eileen Sobeck, Assistant Administra...

  • Safety Blog

    An Outbreak of Perspective

    The CDC is out with its annual outbreak report, this one looks at data from 2014, and it’s worth offering a bit of perspective before the media hears from the hyperbole engines who will assuredly is...

  • Safety Blog

    More of the Same from The Dr. Oz Show

    To no one’s surprise, Dr. Oz chooses hyperbole and fear-mongering over sound science in a new segment about seafood on his daytime talk show. Dr. Oz and a guy we can loosely describe as a field repo...

  • Trade & Commerce Blog

    WSJ Reports on Proposed Lobster Trade Ban in EU

    The Wall Street Journal is reporting on a potential ban on imports of live North American lobsters in the European Union. Sweden alleges that a few dozen North American lobsters have been found in Eur...

  • Health Blog

    Lost in Translation?

    An English-language news outlet in Europe is reporting on a French Consumer Reports-style magazine that’s giving tips on grocery store products to avoid. The French magazine appears to take aim at c...

  • Health Blog

    Examiner.com Bad For Us After All

    A new article in Examiner.com, that claims “seafood might be bad for us after all,” exposes a fundamental lack of understanding of science coupled with a clearly lacking editorial process. The ...

  • Supply Chain Blog

    Associated Press Wins Pulitzer for Labor Series

    The Associated Press has taken home a Pulitzer Prize for its reporting on labor issues. The AP’s in-depth analysis and reporting went far beyond the broad brush strokes we’ve seen from various oth...

  • Sustainability Blog

    NFI, NGOs and a Real Mission That Goes Beyond Rhetoric

    The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is proud of our association with some of the world’s leading seafood sustainability organizations, like NOAA’s Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC), t...

  • Trade & Commerce Blog

    New Round of Reporting Raises More Questions About Proposed EU Live Lobster Ban

    This week, there’s a new round of reporting on the potential EU ban of live lobsters from North America. The headlines alone illustrate the fact that there are serious questions about the validity o...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.