• Health Blog

    an open-face salmon burger with salsa verde

    This week I am trying to use up odds and ends from my giant grocery shop last week, so no menu plan. Just a lot of creativity on my part, and open-mindedness on Lloyd's... Today's lunch was an op...

  • Health Blog

    tuna noodle casserole

    Two nights ago I made this tuna noodle casserole. Thank goodness, because it was a lot of food and has been sustaining us while I've been sick. You know a dish is good when you feel like eating i...

  • Health Blog

    Sin City seafood

    Vegas has a little something for everyone, and the little something it has for me is food. My three most memorable meals were New Year's Eve dinner at Sushi Roku (sashimi sampler); ...

  • Health Blog

    seafood paella

    Christmas in Hawaii was extra non-traditional, but extra exciting. It started with a hearty "Good morning, Merry Christmas" from President Obama at the gym on base. In the ultimate silver lining ...

  • Health Blog

    sweet and spicy salmon sandwich

    There were definitely no sesame-orange shrimp leftovers for my lunch today. So I made up a tasty little salmon sandwich to fuel an afternoon trip to the mall I have planned. Christmas shopping is...

  • Health Blog

    sesame-orange shrimp

    I was so excited about what I had planned for dinner tonight - sesame-orange shrimp - that I made it for lunch. And I was right. It was heavenly, easily in the top 10 recipes of 2009. I used a trif...

  • Health Blog

    assorted sushi

    Well, it's 12:38pm Hawaiian time, and I've been up since 3am. So I think that puts my bedtime right at about 6pm. Today I had so much to do toward getting caught up with my long-lost island life ...

  • Health Blog

    a traditional tuna sandwich

    Yesterday and today were my last two days in the Washington office before I head back to Hawaii in the morning. I have officially been "off-island" for 32 days, so I really cannot wait to get home....

  • Health Blog

    holiday seafood hors doeuvres

    I just returned from our annual National Fisheries Institute winter staff retreat, which involved two days and one night of reflecting on 2009 and planning for 2010 in the Bryce Mountain ...

  • Health Blog

    caramelized Maine diver scallops

    I am on the last leg of my trip now. After spending time in the Midwest and the...Texas (it's a region unto itself), I am on the east coast. I'm spending the week in Washington for work and then ...