What is the level of heart healthy Omega-3 fatty acids in some of the most popular seafood species?

Top 10 Fish and Shellfish Consumed in the United States 2004

Seafood Type, Per Capita Consumption (in lbs.)*** Omega-3s per 3-oz. Serving (in grams)**
Shrimp: 4.2 0.27
Canned Tuna: 3.3 0.26-0.73
Salmon: 2.154 0.68-1.83
Pollock: 1.277 0.46
Catfish: 1.091 0.15-0.2
Tilapia: .696 0.14
Crab: .626 0.14
Cod: .603 0.13-0.24
Clams: .471 0.24
Flatfish: .332 0.43

**Data from the American Heart Association
***Data from the National Marine isheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce