tuna and avocado on homemade whole wheat bread

Happy 2012! My 2011 ended on the magical island of Molokai, which is now officially my favorite outer island. The thing I loved most about Molokai is that nothing seems contrived. It seemed like we had the whole place to ourselves for snorkeling

Hiking to lookouts
And our favorite new pastime, coconut harvesting
The place was crawling with these snowbirds, though
Because Molokai is such a quiet place with very little development, we ate most of our meals in. I made sure to start off the New Year smartly with tuna and avocado sandwiches on homemade whole wheat bread (yes, I packed a loaf in my suitcase).
Were in our last 6-month stretch in stunning Hawaii, and are just overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity weve had to get to know true paradise. We should be finding out our next stop within the next month or so. This year will be one of bittersweet change alongside the gut wrenching goodbye well have to say to Hawaii will come an exciting beginning somewhere new.