the simplest salmon cake

salmon cake
Lunch was a disaster today. My original plan was to make stir-fried eggplant and tofu.I only had silken tofu, but thought I could make it work.Turns out silken tofu is very silky, and I could not indeed make it work.I ended up taking one bite and throwing the mushy mess away.Then I decided to proceed with the recipe sans tofu stir-fried eggplant.I cooked up the eggplant, took a taste, and it was unbelievably bitter.The accompanying sauce was both salty and sweet, so I though that might help and poured it on top.I tasted it again, and it actually tasted worse because now it was somehow simultaneously bitter, salty, and sweet.To get the wretched taste out of my mouth, I opened a can of mandarin oranges and had several bites directly out of the can.So at this point, my lunch consisted of a bite of mushy tofu; a bite of bitter eggplant; a bite of bitter, salty, and sweet eggplant; and several bites of mandarin oranges.I considered stopping there, because by this time I had already been in the kitchen about half an hour, but I still needed some form of a mid-day meal.So I made the most fail-proof thing I could think of a simple salmon cake (we’re out of peanut butter, so my first choice ofPB&J was not an option).Pouch of salmon + bread crumbs + an egg + a teaspoon of mayo + lemon juice.I didnt even get creative with seasonings or a dip.It turned out picture perfect, and tasted plain and predictable.Just what I needed.Thank goodness Im going out to eat tonight.